Emergency plans are in place for the worst case of Brexit


  Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan. Photo: Justin Farrelly "title =" Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan. Photo: Justin Farrelly "width =" 620 "height =" 414 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan. Photo: Justin Farrelly </figcaption></figure>
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  • Emergency plans in place for the worst Brexit


    The prevailing instability in the UK has raised concerns with the Irish government that it will be a difficult Brexit, according to sources.


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The instability that prevails in the UK has raised concerns with the Irish government according to which there will be a hard Brexit, according to higher sources.

The Council of Ministers is organizing a special meeting on Brexit tomorrow in Kerry, during which the emergency plans for the worst Brexit scenario will be signed.

"Parliamentary arithmetic is angry in London, without a majority for nothing, unless they find themselves in an inter-party lineup that also seems unlikely," said a source at Irish Independent before the meeting.

They said that, with lingering disarray with the conservative party, the risk of a "no-deal / bad deal" remains a strong possibility.

A consensus emerges on the appeasement of the different British points of view. the parliament and the Conservative party are almost impossible.

An agreement between the extreme Brexiters, who want the UK to separate completely from the EU, especially in the area of ​​regulation and customs in order to cut trade agreements elsewhere, and the so-called Brexiters Sensitive ones, who would be happy to stay in the single market, are far from likely.

With time flowing quickly and still no solution in sight, there is no more time to allow any other "fudge," said the source.

They said that there was no flat land emerging in Westminster.

"They are all so desperately divided, so at the end of the day, one side will have to lose and another to win," they added.

But if the Good Friday agreement and the British government's commitment to not create borders between the Republic and Northern Ireland must be honored, then the United Kingdom must remain in the customs union and in the single market.

"Anyway, a lot will be withdrawn," said the source.

Although the prospect of a collapse of the EU without agreement is catastrophic for the UK, the initial and relative demonstration of unity within the conservative party on book proposals white earlier this month seems to be declining more and more every day.

British Prime Minister Theresa May yesterday agreed to a critical amendment demanded by the Brexiters in the highly Eurosceptic European Research Group (ERG), which would ensure that British customs officials would not charge duties on goods on behalf of the United Kingdom. # 39; EU. a reciprocal arrangement.

Up to now, the EU has not considered proposing such an arrangement and it appears to be an attempt to scuttle a crucial element of Ms. May's proposals on the white paper.

"The plan was designed to tie his hands but some of them could turn against them and they will end up without any agreement," the source said. Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan said last night that the refusal of MPs Sinn Féin to take their seats in Westminster had "plunged the British prime minister into the hands of hard Brexiters" after May's government won the vote 318 votes to 285.

The Brexit plans prepared by Irish officials will be announced by Tánaiste and Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, although he stated that certain information would be retained because of the sensitivity of the market.

More than 500 full-time customs and veterinary officials will be recruited to badume the complex administrative burden if no withdrawal agreement is concluded between the EU and the UK.

This will have to be taken into account in the October budget and be ready to be adopted before the end of the year, as the possibility for the UK to leave without signing a withdrawal agreement and a transition agreement is now possible. Independent

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