Emirates apologizes after the disabled teenage family forced theft


Emirates apologized after a disabled teenager and his family were forced to leave Dubai for France.

The Kumar family is seen offering a stay at the hotel in transit and was relocated on another flight after the incident in which the teenager Eli was forced to disembark because he was suffering from epilepsy, despite the medical certificate and flight authorization, Euronews reported.

Eli, the son of Euronews journalist Isabelle Kumar, had embarked Wednesday aboard a flight from Dubai to France, the last leg of a long-haul trip from New-York. Zealand through Australia.

Kumar was quoted by Euronews as saying: "We told Emirates at every step that Eli had epilepsy [and autism] but when we asked for a seat with a vacant seat next to him in case he would have a seizure, suddenly wanted to see the medical certificate. "

The family would have presented the certificate to the flight attendants, who stated that it was to be shown to the ground staff. When the family called Eli's doctor in France to confirm that he was able to steal, they refused to talk to the health care professional.

Kumar called for attendants and then threatened to call the police if the family did not leave the plane. "It's the lack of humanity that we found really shocking," she said.

Kumar said that the incident had destabilized his children. She added that a solution was finally found with the airline so that the family could fly to Geneva on Thursday.

An Emirates spokeswoman said the airline was "very sorry for any distress and inconvenience".

"These situations are generally difficult to badess for operational personnel, and they have chosen to act in the best interest of the safety of our pbadengers as well as on the advice of our medical team," Euronews said.

"Our customer service team was in touch with the family, and we offered them a stay at the hotel in transit and we rebooked them on another flight starting July 26th."

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