Families farewell Lion Air crash victims


Family members and friends have farewelled loved ones who died in a plane crash in Indonesia in an emotional memorial service at the crash site.

Members of the Indonesian military and rescue teams also attended Tuesday’s service.

Attendees gathered on the deck of a ship and said a prayer for the victims of crashed Lion Air flight JT-610 at the site of the crash, off the coast of Tanjung Pakis in West Java.

Family members and friends bade tearful farewells to their loved ones and threw flowers into the water.

On Monday, Indonesian authorities said the aircraft was flying at high speed when it crashed into the sea on October 29, causing an immense impact.

All 189 on board were killed.

Rescue teams have managed to recover only small fragments of the aircraft, including seats, wheels and one of the turbines, while major parts of the cabin are still missing.

Lion Air’s Boeing 737 Max 8 lost contact with the control tower 13 minutes after it took off from Jakarta airport for Pangkal Pinang on the island of Bangka.

The investigation is now focused on flight data from one of the black boxes, found on Thursday.

The recorder shows the jet’s last four flights all had an airspeed indicator problem.

A preliminary report on the accident is to be published in less than a month.

Meanwhile, around 137 body bags containing remains of the victims have been taken to the funeral home of the National Police hospital in Jakarta.

So far, only 14 of the victims have been identified.

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