FBI Director: Russia is "the most aggressive actor" in the electoral interference


Speaking with NBC News anchor, Lester Holt, at a national security forum in Aspen, Colorado, Mr. Wray stated that Russian operations were "very active "and" intended to sow discord and division in this country ". his "point of view has not changed" on the fact, established by the badessment of the intelligence community in 2017, that "Russia has tried to interfere with the last elections."

Almost a year after becoming FBI leader Wray's remarks were a staking claim in the territory that Trump has always blurred. [LundidernierTrumpajetéledoutesurl'évaluationdel'interférencerusseparlacommunautédurenseignementlorsd'uneconférencedepresseavecleprésidentrusseVladimirPoutineetilasuggérémercrediqu'ilnecroyaitpasquelesmesuresrussescontreladémocratieaméricaineétaientencoursetsasecrétairedepresseSarahSandersadepuistentédenettoyerlesdeuxcommentairesaffirmantdeserreurssémantiquesetdesmalentendusTrumpaégalementdéclaréàCBSNewsmercrediqu'he"accepts"the'évaluationdurenseignementaméricainquelaRussiecontinuedeciblerlesEtatsStates[19659002] In his interview, Wray said the intelligence community n & # 39 did not observe an effort from Russia He did it in 2016, but "we could just be a moment away from going to the next level."

"For me, it's a threat that we must take it very seriously and respond to it with fierce determination and concentration "Wray said. He added that the FBI was "looking for ways to raise awareness" around misinformation campaigns and suggested that the American public thinks "critically about what I'm reading."

With characteristic calm, Wray spent much of the time. he answered questions about the controversies that plagued the office last year

. He called the special adviser Robert Mueller a "straight shooter" and refused to directly reject the criticisms launched against the FBI by Trump, reiterating instead Wray has, however, offered a rebuttal to some Republican lawmakers who have called for the same. action against the disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, whose anti-Trump messages were at the center of a piquant report released earlier this year by the oversight office of the Department of Justice.

"I will not make decisions based on shouting and screaming, I will make decisions based on the process," he said, adding that he was "very, very important" to allow the internal FBI.

The members of the Conservative House have also been a source of irritation for the FBI in recent months as they demanded documents on Strzok and other decisions made by the bureau officials during the month of June. they were investigating Hillary Clinton's email server. the collusion between the members of the Trump campaign and Russia.

Wray acknowledged a "tension" surrounding the FBI's monitoring by Congress and stated that he "would not want to talk about ongoing investigations and protect sources and methods".

"There will always be somebody who will say" no, no, no, this one is special, this one is different, it's a unicorn, we should do it this time ", said Wray." These are precisely the times when it's important to do it by the book and stay consistent with the previous ones. "

Asked about the question of whether he had ever threatened to resign Throughout his dramatic year, as CNN and other media reported, Wray joked: "I am a discreet and discreet guy, but that should not be confused with my spine is made of. "

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