Fianna Fáil prepares for general elections in September


The Fianna Fáil is preparing for an election as early as September, with the party convinced that the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is "pulling" to go vote

Micheál Martin and his party believe that an election could be triggered before the budget and Fine Gael would use Eighth Amendment legislation to try to damage Fianna Fáil during the campaign

Fianna Fáil members were furious at Varadkar's comments, who doubted the will their party to renegotiate an agreement of trust and supply.

An important source of Fianna Fáil stated that the Taoiseach "was shooting" for an election and that his remarks were meant to "push the bear asleep."

"Micheál was surprised by the dishonesty of the remarks," the source said after Mr. Varadkar suggested that Fianna Fáil are not committed to the trust and supply agreement.

He is dishonest in saying that Fianna Fáil are not agreeing on a budget. Doubts about trust and supply are premature and provocative.

Many in the party now believe that Fine Gael is trying to create a loophole that would give them the leeway to go to the countryside.

Gael has now advanced all of its selection agreements to be completed by this month, while Fianna Fáil is waiting to hold short notice agreements.

Call for an election in the fall would mean legislation to deal with the result of the referendum Although the Fine Gael largely supported the referendum of the eighth amendment, the problem caused a significant split in the Fianna Fáil and could to be used in an election campaign, the Taoiseach claiming that his party is the only one that could guarantee a swift implementation of the legislation.

It had always been planned to renegotiate the trust and supply agreement after the third budget and members of Fianna Fáil Taoiseach "suddenly wants to change the goal posts."

"It can only be for one reason and it is to cause an election, if it does, on its own head whatsoever." Instability comes from Taoiseach, said a senior official of Fianna Fáil.

Fianna Fáil TD Jim O 'Callaghan said he was "surprised" that Taoiseach had suggested that the renegotiation date be advanced

. people believe that the Taoiseach is looking forward to having elections in October, "he told RTÉ, The Week in Politics

" Maybe now we will not have any Presidential election Election I do not agree with that I know that Micheál Martin does not agree with that

I know we have an agreement with Fine Gael Leo was part of the bargaining team, which makes it clear that at the end of 2018, the parties will seek to review the agreement and see if it will be renewed. It's in black and white;

Relations between the two party leaders have deteriorated lately and it is understood that Taoiseach's comments have only worsened the anger .

Another high-ranking member said that Mr. Martin's relationship with Mr. Varadkar was "back to where we were in December," when the country was on the brink of an election on the controversy surrounding the former Minister of Justice Frances Fitzgerald

. We are in regular contact, although she said that she "could not say" when the two men spoke for the last time.

In defense, Mr Varadkar said: "I think it's fair to ask and say before the end of the agreement.It is not expected to elections, we do not want elections. "

Meanwhile, Mr. Varadkar dismissed claims that he would have a credibility problem, admitting that he had sought the support of TD Michael Lowry when he was not in charge. he was on the verge of becoming Taoiseach, reports political editor Daniel McConnell in New York

In an interview with Irish mail Sunday, Mr. Lowry said that Mr. Varadkar called him to solicit his support to the Dáil.

million. Varadkar contacted the criminal "

When asked about the question of whether he had a problem of credibility, he said:" First of all, I would like to share with you the comments that I have. I made the Dáil about it and not a briefing given by a spokesman. "

When it was pointed out that his spokesperson, who spoke on his behalf, insisted that no arrangement was in place, Mr. Varadkar said abruptly," I am speaking in my name. "

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