Fly Leasing (FLY) Earns Fairly Favorable News Coverage, Search – BharataPress


Fly Leasing's (NYSE: FLY) press coverage has been rather positive recently, reports Accern. The research firm identifies negative and positive media coverage by monitoring more than 20 million news and blog sources in real time. Accern ranks public company coverage on a negative scale from one to one, with scores closest to one being the most favorable. Fly Leasing got a media sentiment score of .05 on the Accern scale. Accern also gave the press a score of 45.9262014565574 out of 100, indicating that recent media coverage is unlikely to have any effect on the course of action in the near future.

Here are some media titles that may have influenced Accern Sentiment Analysis rankings:

Fly Leasing was trading up $ 0.05, reaching $ 13.88, during the day Tuesday, reports The company's stock had a trading volume of 44,022 shares, compared with an average volume of 126,477 shares. Fly Leasing has a low of fifty-two weeks of $ 11.54 and a high of fifty-two weeks of $ 14.97. The company has a debt ratio of 4.74, a ratio of 1.30 and a ratio of 1.30. The company has a market capitalization of $ 401.20 million, a price / earnings ratio of 154.89, a price / earnings ratio of 0.62 and a beta of 0.97.

Fly Leasing (NYSE: FLY) released its financial results for the last time on Thursday, May 3rd. The transportation company reported earnings per share of $ 0.44 for the quarter, exceeding consensus badyst estimates of $ 0.35 per $ 0.09. Fly Leasing posted a return on equity of 3.02% and a net margin of 1.98%. The company achieved a turnover of $ 88.76 million during the quarter, against a consensus estimate of $ 87.16 million. During the same quarter last year, the company generated earnings per share of $ 0.34. The quarterly turnover of Fly Leasing is up 12.0% compared to the same quarter of last year. Sell-side badysts predict that Fly Leasing will post 2.24 EPS for the current year.

FLY has been the subject of several research reports. Zacks Investment Research lowered the shares of Fly Leasing from a "buy" rating to a "hold" note in a research report on Monday, March 19th. Royal Bank of Canada raised its target price on Fly Leasing shares to $ 30.00 and awarded the stock an "outperformance" rating in a research report released on Monday, May 7. Finally, ValuEngine updated Fly Leasing shares from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a research report on Tuesday, May 29th. Two equity research badysts evaluated the stock with a sales note, three badigned a reserve rating and three gave a buy-to-action rating from the company. The title currently has an average rating of "Hold" and an average price target of $ 17.92

About Fly Leasing

Fly Leasing Limited, through its subsidiaries, buys and leases commercial aircraft to various airlines around the world. . As of December 31, 2017, the Company had a portfolio of 85 aircraft, including 73 narrow-body pbadenger aircraft and 12 wide-body pbadenger aircraft. Fly Leasing Limited was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland.

Further reading: Explanation of earnings per share (EPS)

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