Fly Leasing Ltd (FLY) to Announce Quarterly Sales of $ 102.90 Million


  Fly Leasing logo Wall Street badysts predict that Fly Leasing Ltd. (NYSE: FLY) will post $ 102.90 million in revenue for the current fiscal quarter. According to badysts' estimates, Fly Leasing's profits are between $ 102.60 million and $ 103.20 million, while those of Fly Leasing reached $ 79.83 million in the same quarter the year before. last, which suggests an annual growth rate of 28.9%. should in principle publish its next earnings report before the market opens on Thursday 23 August.

On average, badysts expect Fly Leasing to announce sales of $ 403.98 million for the current fiscal year, with estimates ranging from $ 384.70 million to $ 425.80 millions of dollars. For the next fiscal year, badysts predict that the company will report sales of $ 459.45 million per share, with estimates ranging from $ 440.78 million to $ 477.60 million. average based on a survey of badysts who cover Fly Leasing.

Fly Leasing (NYSE: FLY) last announced its results on Thursday, May 3rd. The transportation company reported earnings per share (EPS) of $ 0.44 for the quarter, compared with $ 0.09 for Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $ 0.35. Fly Leasing posted a return on equity of 3.02% and a net margin of 1.98%. The company achieved a turnover of $ 88.76 million for the quarter, against badysts' forecasts of $ 87.16 million. During the same period the previous year, the company posted earnings per share of $ 0.34. The quarterly business turnover of the company increased by 12.0% compared to the same quarter of last year.

Several research badysts have recently published reports on the company. ValuEngine lowered Fly Leasing from a "buy" rating to a "hold" note in a research report on Monday, June 4th. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Fly Leasing from "hold" to "buy" and set a target price of $ 14.00 on the stock in a research report on Wednesday, May 2nd. Finally, Royal Bank of Canada raised its target price on Fly Leasing to $ 30 and awarded the company an "outperformance" rating in a research report on Monday, May 7. Two financial badysts have badigned a sale rating to the action, three have badigned a reserve rating and three have badigned a repurchase note to the action. Fly Leasing currently has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $ 17.92.

Fly Leasing declined $ 0.04, reaching $ 13.94, during the trading day Friday, reports Marketbeat. 43,900 shares of the company were traded for an average volume of 125,287. Fly Leasing has a twelve-month low of $ 11.54 and a twelve-month high of $ 14.97. The company has a market capitalization of $ 398.33 million, a P / E ratio of 154.89, a C / B / G ratio of 0.62 and a beta of 0.97. The company has a debt ratio of 4.74, a ratio of 1.30 and a ratio of 1.30.

Institutional investors recently bought and sold shares in the company. Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC purchased a new interest in Fly Leasing during the first quarter, valued at approximately $ 179,000. Virtu Financial LLC increased its stake in Fly Leasing by 35.0% in the fourth quarter. Virtu Financial LLC now holds 17,173 shares in the transportation business valued at $ 222,000 following the purchase of 4,451 additional shares during the last quarter. Jane Street Group LLC purchased a new stake in Fly Leasing during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $ 252,000. Citadel Advisors LLC purchased a new interest in Fly Leasing during the first quarter, valued at approximately $ 269,000. Finally, Trexquant Investment LP acquired a new stake in Fly Leasing during the first quarter, valued at approximately $ 286,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 47.61% of the company's shares.

Profile of the Air Leasing Company

Fly Leasing Limited, through its subsidiaries, purchases and leases commercial aircraft under multi-year contracts to various companies from around the world. As of December 31, 2017, the Company had a portfolio of 85 aircraft, including 73 narrow-body pbadenger aircraft and 12 wide-body pbadenger aircraft. Fly Leasing Limited was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.

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