Four Britons arrested in Ibiza on suspicion of gang rapes on another British tourist


Four Britons were arrested in Ibiza because they were suspected of gang raping another British tourist.

Two brothers are detained and two other men were released on bail after a 29-year-old woman claimed that she was

The brothers reportedly met the woman at a bar near the beach main San Antonio.

Later they went to another bar and then to the beach.

One of the men that she did not feel well and he gave her two pills, she said. According to the police, she now believed that they had been "some kind of drug"

The brothers, from Upton, were detained by a judge

She was then taken to a block of flats where the alleged attack took place in the early hours of Thursday.

After her statement and description of the men she gave, the Civil Guards arrested the four Britons.

The Upton brothers were placed in jail by a judge accused of a "badual badault," which covers rape, during a closed court hearing. The other two men, aged 29 and 21, whom we chose not to name, were released on bail pending further police investigations.

19659002] The couple released on bail would have had their pbadport seized while the investigation would continue.

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