German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer resigns from his post and position at the head of the conservative conservative party CSU after a long migratory battle with Chancellor Angela Merkel. hours to find an answer to a hard-fought agreement to reduce migration in the European Union and the so-called "secondary migration" between member states hammered by Merkel at a summit of leaders last week .
Now he "wants The sources said:
Main points of the agreement on EU migration
The euro jumps on the # EU Migration Agreement
The CSU lobbied Merkel for weeks to either accept her plan to deny border asylum seekers already registered in other cases. or to conclude European agreements which would have the same effect, by setting a deadline today.
Sources says Mr Seehofer co At the closed meeting with the party leaders, he said yesterday that the Chancellor had had a "no-go" conversation about whether the European agreement and the series of bilateral agreements she had concluded met her requirements. Mrs Merkel's CDU Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer told Berlin that the chancellor's camp was "united" behind "effective and humane solutions to our European partners ".
It was unclear whether CSU would seek to remain in coalition with CDU and propose a replacement for Mr. Seehofer.
Alternatively, he could break the decades-old alliance between the two parties, thereby depriving Merkel of her majority in parliament and placing Germany in unexplored political waters. , b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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