Germany wants to reach 65% renewable energy by 2030. Here is the wild plan


G German wind and solar farms produce more electricity than coal currently: 118 billion kilowatt hours until last June, according to BDEW, the German industry badociation Energy and water. Clean energy now accounts for the largest share of the total energy mix of European leaders (36.3% compared to 35.1% for coal). But this is frankly one of the many drastic ways that these Teutonic efficiency models hope to achieve their ambitious goals. 2030 sustainable energy goals. Fingers crossed.

So how are they going to do it? A detailed plan produced by the German think tank on clean energy, Agora Energiewende, recently published in American English, details everything from targeted wind farms to temperature-controlled electric grids to electrical overhaul of rails. For its part, the German government has appointed a commission of 28 people to produce a plan to eliminate 50% of coal plants by 2030. One already wonders if the goals are achievable: the German Ministry of 39 Economics and Energy According to Bloomberg, it will need at least as many strands to achieve its carbon reduction goals. Their ultimate goal is to almost double their use of renewable energy such as wind and solar by 2030, bringing to 65% of their total energy portfolio.

  2030 Germany Green Stuff
Energy map of Agora Energiewende for the sustainable future of Germany. (Click to enlarge)

German officials have told the press that they are likely to recommend a phased withdrawal scheme for coal-fired power plants, with commercial incentives that encourage homeowners to meet the government's goals. That said, BDEW warned of the risks of blackout in their press commentaries on Tuesday, and German electric regulator Jochen Homann told Reuters earlier this summer that the new 2030 renewable targets would require thousands of miles of power lines additional. Merkel's team of 28 experts publishes its plan in December. It should look pretty much like the recent proposal of the green policy of Agora Energiewende. Their 84-page working document suggests converting 80% of the German rail system into electricity by 2030. They want to build a guidance system to monitor the conductive cable temperatures on the high voltage pylons on the power grid, so to reduce energy losses. heat flux. They also suggested targeting specific parts of the country for wind turbines based on their unique local energy costs and potential to overwhelm the national energy grid.

This seems to be a good ambitious planning all around. The only problem is Angela Merkel herself. The Chancellor has the reputation of talking about a great game on sustainable energy to pivot in the direction that best suits German industrial elites and his own political fortunes. When the EU was trying to create new fuel economy standards for cars in 2013, for example, Merkel took the side of German automakers and, according to the Guardian, threatened the President of the European Council by then, the Irish taoiseach Enda Kenny "

At a climate conference in 2015, Ms Merkel promised that" coal will remain a pillar of German energy supply for a period prolonged ", in the same sense as the call for decarbonisation. question of ecological necessity. Thus, consistency and follow-up would be a good complement to Germany's ambitious clean energy plans for 2030. Someone should make sure that the 28-person commission remembers it. put these.

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