Golden Discs is preparing to open three new stores


Golden Discs is opening three new stores this month, bringing to 19 the number of its stores, its goal being to attract customers to traditional music stores.

Last weekend, the brand returned to the Liffey Valley shopping center in west Dublin, seven years after it closed. The company will open this weekend at Market Cross in Kilkenny and at Crescent Shopping Center in Limerick, where it also has a store. The company also owns 80 Tesco dealerships across the country.

Golden Discs will add 30 new employees.

The company has also developed an online presence, which "exceeds expectations".

Deeper range

"Our website offers a much wider range of products than the typical store. It is therefore more appealing to customers looking for lesser-known products, "said Golden Discs General Manager Stephen Fitzgerald.

The company made a profit of 173,704 euros for 2017 and a turnover of 12.1 million euros, despite the growing popularity of streaming music services.

This year, sales of vinyl products increased by 60%. "The vinyl revival shows no signs of slowing down," Fitzgerald said.

"Major labels are reissuing catalog albums every week, as well as all new releases. What started out as a niche format for hard-core music fans is becoming more common as music lovers are using streaming services for convenience and buying a physical product for more tangibility, "he says. added.

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