Google unexpectedly falls as Gboard AI predicts a bite


  Google unexpectedly falls as Gboard AI predicts a

Certainly not insinuation on this image. Certainly none

GOOGLE RUSHING to correct an error in its search prediction engine that's stuck in a rather embarrbading loop and we'll have to make sure we're clever linguists to get the message across. [19659004] Gboard, Google's predictive keyboard, has begun to predict "my face and" whenever users type "sit down".

Google did not explain why. It could be an algorithm, it could be that users have regrouped to "program" the engine with overuse.

However, this has all the features of a Google Easter Egg. This certainly would not be the first time coders would include a wink at a favorite cult show – even the first Chromecast model number is H2G2-42 – a reference to the Hitchhiker's Guide Douglas Adams Nevertheless, with parents asking their babysitters – "Can you sit down -", council members ask colleagues, "Can you sit down -" and even the pbadengers ask people that they meet on board a train. "It was starting to become a ticking time bomb, we will let you complete these sentences, and we hope that the person in charge will kneel in front of the forgiving altar as it may be difficult to swallow.

Speaking of Buzzfeed Google explains: "Gboard is designed to avoid such predictions in its generic models, but the human language is complex, and as with any type of system that filters sensitive sentences, sometimes inappropriate suggestions transpose it into the machine learning models.When we learn an inappropriate suggestion, we are working quickly to remove it.

seems that Google knew what was going on, and that c & # 39; is just one more gag (stop it now).

So, that's it, the problem has already been corrected, but the memory … The memory lags a bit … μ

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