Greensboro Police See More Reports on Family Violence in Summer


GREENSBORO, NC – Greensboro police see an increase in violent crime in summer, including domestic and serious badaults.

Police have already responded to 80 reports of domestic and aggravated badault so far this month.

In July 2017, the police received 196 reports in total

Police are fighting domestic violence, but expect the number to increase with summer temperatures.

Police responded to 227 reports of aggravated badault last month compared to 198 cases in June 2017.

If you do the math, there are 29 additional reports.

But, could the heat of summer really play a role in violent crime, including spousal abuse


Research shows that summer heat causes irritability, which in turn leads to aggressive behavior and violent crime.

Domestic violence, however, is a problem across the country all year

It is more than 12 million women and men over the past year. ;one year.

If you have concerns about a relationship, call the National Domestic Violence Line at 1-800-799. -SAFE (7233).

It provides life-saving and support tools to help victims and survivors find safety and live without abuse.

All calls are free and confidential

For more information on ways to escape an abusive partner or to help a family member or friend. abusive relationship, click here.

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