Hillary Clinton leaves door open for 2020 run: ‘I’d like to be president’


Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTrump planning fourth visit to Montana to battle Tester Virginia paper backs Kaine over Trump ally Corey Stewart Matthew Shepard laid to rest at National Cathedral MORE during an event over the weekend left the door open to a possible 2020 run, saying that even though she doesn’t want to run, “I’d like to be president.” 

Clinton’s comments come as speculation has increased over whether she will launch another bid after the midterm elections. 

“Do you want to run again?” Recode’s Kara Swisher asked during a Friday night Q&A with Clinton.

“No,” Clinton replied quickly, sparking laughter from the audience. But when Swisher pressed her further, she added: “I’d like to be president.”

Clinton went on to say that “there’s going to be so much work to be done” after a Democrat “hopefully” wins the next presidential election.

“The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been in the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department,” she said, listing off the qualifications that she often touted during her previous run. 

She added that she’s not going to think about a possible run until after the upcoming midterm elections. 

Clinton and her husband, former President Bill ClintonWilliam (Bill) Jefferson ClintonBloomberg quietly spends millions in TV ads Graham: I’m not going to blame Trump for ‘nut job’ who sent bombs to Dems The 13 targets in string of attempted pipe bomb attacks MORE, announced this month that they will be embarking on a 13-city tour over the next year, hosting discussions about current events and politics across the country. 

Clinton in September released a few afterward for her campaign memoir, “What Happened,” criticizing the Trump administration’s policies and expressing concern that the nation’s democracy is “in crisis.”

She has stepped up her presence in the national spotlight, appearing in media interviews with greater frequency to criticize the GOP and President TrumpDonald John TrumpJim Carrey lays into Trump at LA gala: Shamelessness is not ‘a superpower’ Suspected Pittsburgh shooter charged with 29 counts Rand Paul blasts Saudi Arabia at rally with Trump Jr. MORE.

Longtime Clinton aide Philippe Reines in a Politico profile earlier this month said there is a “not zero” chance that the former Secretary of State will run against Trump.

“It’s curious why Hillary Clinton’s name isn’t in the mix—either conversationally or in formal polling—as a 2020 candidate,” Reines told Politico. “She’s younger than Donald Trump by a year. She’s younger than Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Robinette BidenSingle fingerprint, misspellings pointed FBI to mail bombs suspect How alleged bomber Cesar Sayoc’s case will develop now Election Countdown: Latest glimpse at fundraising highlights Dem edge | Cook moves Menendez race to toss up | Heated Missouri Senate debate | O’Rourke scrambling to win Latino voters | Bloomberg spending big for Dem candidates | DNC talks 2020 debates MORE by four years. Is it that she’s run before? This would be Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersMillennials use the word ‘socialism’ — and may not know what it means Fox’s Shep Smith, Chris Wallace spar over Trump responsibility after mail bomb suspect charged Election Countdown: Latest glimpse at fundraising highlights Dem edge | Cook moves Menendez race to toss up | Heated Missouri Senate debate | O’Rourke scrambling to win Latino voters | Bloomberg spending big for Dem candidates | DNC talks 2020 debates MORE‘s second time, and Biden’s third time. Is it lack of support? She had 65 million people vote for her.” 

When Politico asked if she’s running, Reines said, “It’s somewhere between highly unlikely and zero, but it’s not zero.” 

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