Historians leave the UVA think tank after hiring Ex-Trump's help by Marc Short


Two distinguished historians from the University of Virginia resigned from their public policy center following the recent hiring of a former badistant to President Donald Trump, a decision that also sparked protests among students and teachers.

William I. Hitchbad and Melvyn P. Leffler announced Monday their departure from the Miller Public Affairs Center to protest against Marc Short, the former director of Legislative Affairs at Trump, who was awarded a scholarship. study at the think tank which also studies the presidency. Teachers lashed out at Short's fraternity as going against the values ​​of the center

"By badociating with an administration that does not respect the truth, it has helped to erode the civil discourse and the Democratic standards essential to democratic governance are at the heart of the Miller Center's mission, "read a letter shared by Hitchbad on Twitter

I resigned from a think tank at UVa today because I felt that he was betraying his principles by giving a top scholarship to Trump's Trump adviser Marc Trump. It's a sad day for me but I will continue to work at UVa with brilliant colleagues for the cause of civil discourse. pic.twitter.com/HsH1pw2hXK

– William Hitchbad (@WillHitchUVA) July 30, 2018

The two men will remain as a full professor in the history department of the school from Charlotteville, according to Politico.

William Antholis, director and CEO of the center, said in a statement that he was saddened by their departure, but that Short's appointment would help promote the goals of the think tank

"As much as I respect the depth of sentiment on this issue, Miller Center's focus on the presidency, our commitment to non-partisanship and our demonstrated ability to promote civil discourse must remain our primary responsibility, especially in difficult times, "said Mr. Antholis

  The former Director of Legislative Affairs of the White House, Marc Short, seen here in March, was hired as senior fello

Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

The former Director of Legislative Affairs of the White House, Marc Short, seen here in March, was hired as a senior researcher at the Public Affairs Center of the University of Virginia.

In a statement he published last week, Antholis said Short would help others at the center to "understand and explain this administration, including in its most difficult times and divisors."

Hitchbad, nominee to the Pulitzer Prize and New York Times best-selling author, and Leffler, recipient of the Bancroft Award for Honors books on diplomacy or the history of the Americas, objected that the school did not discuss hiring Short or holding a faculty vote on the issue

We would have argued that Mr. Short's appointment violates "the values ​​of the center, their letter said

It is not known whether such a discussion or vote is a matter of university policy. A school spokesperson did not immediately respond to this question when HuffPost commented on Monday.

The two professors cited other aspects of Short's work experience as being matters of concern, noting that he worked for Virginia by the current National President. Rifle Association, Oliver North, as well as by the Koch Brothers Freedom Partners fund

criticizing its badociation with a White House that regularly attacks the free press, the professors also took part in criticism widely criticized by Trump. response to the violent neo-Nazi rally last August near the UVA campus. One woman died when a car, allegedly driven by a neo-Nazi sympathizer, crashed into protesters, and the meeting indirectly resulted in the death of two state police officers.

  Short, seen here with reporters in May, did not talk about the White House's much-criticized response to neo-N mortal

The Washington Post via Getty Images

Short, seen here with reporters in May, did not talk about the White House's much-criticized response to the neo-Nazi rally last August that took place near the campus of the University from Virginia to Charlottesville.

"It seems particularly flagrant to name Mr. Short as the first anniversary of the neo-Nazi riots approaches," writes Hitchbad and Leffler. "As a result of these tragic events, President Trump failed to repudiate the alt-right and his hooligans." Until his appointment to UVA, Mr. Short did not depart from the remarks. of President Trump

"By not speaking at the time, by not emphasizing the threats to human decency posed by the public display of Nazi symbols." racist diatribes in our own neighborhood, Mr. Short was complicit in the erosion of our civic discourse and showed an appalling indifference to the civility of our own city and university. "

In a recent statement quoted in Washington Post "There is no doubt" that the White House could have better managed its response to the rally and the violence that it sparked. "We must all be frank and unambiguous in our denunciation of white supremacy and racism," he said.

Hitchbad and Leffler's letter adds that they welcome people with diverse political views in front of the center, but not like "

An Online Petition Against Hiring Short on Change.org had received more than 2,400 signatures on Monday afternoon. The petition also opposes hiring Short without "consulting the many stakeholders concerned by this decision".

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