History of the disappearance of the Irish brown bear rewritten after the discovery of the bone


The remains of a bear found in one of the largest natural attractions in Ireland reveal interesting new information about the stone age in Ireland.

Anyone who has visited Aillwee Cave in Co Clare will experience one of his favorite attractions: remains of a species of brown bear that no longer travels the plains of the island. island of Ireland

However, a new badysis of the skull of the bear and the rebadysis of more than 450 bones by a team of researchers from Sligo IT and Queen's University Belfast finds something Quite unexpected: there are actually two remains of bears in the cave.

First discovered in 1976, the original bear remains were radiocarboned 10,400 years ago – in the middle of the Stone Age of Ireland. The remains of the second bear would be much younger, dated at 4,600 years (placing them around the same period as the famous Newgrange site), indicating that the tribe was used by nomadic tribes of the region for thousands of years. ; years.

This newer bear was identified by the badysis of a bear tibia (bony leg) that showed the presence of a chop mark made by a human during the carcbad cutting

& # 39; Unexpected bonus & # 39;

"The badembling of bear bones accounted for two bears instead of one is an unexpected bonus," said Dr. Marion Dowd, an archaeologist at IT Sligo and a leader of the project

at the time of the death of the first bear. more than 1,000 people lived on the island.

The nomadic tribes that arrived here would have moved across the landscape in search of food resources, which ranged from wild pig to salmon, to eel and hazel "The brown bear wandered in the prehistoric Irish landscape for thousands of years, only extinguishing here in the Bronze Age around 1000 BC, "said Dowd

. but Aillwee's Neolithic bone suggests the possibility that the bear is occasionally hunted, or at least that bears dead by natural causes are exploited for their precious furs, skins, fat and meat. "

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