Holy Vox Pop: The Youth of Poland and the Age Gap Religion


WARSAW – After the publication of the Pew Research Center's latest world report on demography and religiosity, many readers of Gazeta Wyborcza shared their feelings about religion and religion. powerful Polish Catholic Church.

The monumental Pew survey, conducted for eight years in 106 different countries, revealed that there is an age gap between all major religions: young people are, in most cases less religious than their elders. Poland, long a bastion of traditional Catholicism, is no exception. Why? There is history, old and not so old. In addition, the long reign of Pope John Paul II born in Poland. But others point an accusing finger at the ultra-conservative Polish priest and the head of the media empire, Tadeusz Rydzyk. Here are some of the comments, sent by readers using their Internet nicknames.

tysiącletni: This information concerns me. When I was a little over 12 years old, I went on a pilgrimage to Częstochowa (a town in southern Poland containing a popular pilgrimage site). Now I have a little over 30 years and two main factors have prevented me from going to church: the nonsense around premarital behavior, and the nonsense that I was told at a meeting before my daughter's baptism. is not entirely human. I could not stand it.

zabicdrozda59: I would not put too much stock in these statistics. It's cool now to "not believe". And yet, as young people get older, they will likely go to church and vote according to the message of the Catholic Church. What we say publicly is not important. What is important is what we do.

I have friends who are first-generation students (both graduates of Politechnika Warszawska). They declare themselves to be believers, go to church, and so on. A year and a half ago there were discussions about refugees and immigrants. The bishops made heresies as they went – the same gibberish that you hear in most Polish churches. I could not stand it. I asked my friends why, if they are believers, they have not protested against the obvious heresies – which were contrary to what the Scriptures preach – expressed by the officials. He grossly, played stupidly, while she shook the question, saying that she was not really listening to what the priest was saying because He was too "sweet". The 42% of Poles who claim to attend mbad every week usually attend a weekly theatrical performance – nothing more. Worse still, the Poles justify a certain intellectual laziness by thinking and voting as command the Church

sparrow: I am afraid that optimism is premature. The dominance of the Church in Poland has never been based on deep religiosity. What does it matter that people do not know the basics of their religion, do not follow its principles and do not pray? This is not new. It is only important that they care about keeping the facade. They do not believe in any god, but they will have a religious wedding ceremony and will send their children to communion. As long as people want to keep this facade, the Church will reign

Golduś: I am baffled by the influx of negative statements about why young people choose to leave the world. # 39; s Church. I am no longer young, but I have young parents aged 20 to 30 who are not forced to go to church. Yet, they still have their wedding ceremonies, gather around the Word of God, meet other believers and establish relationships within the religious community and with God. Priests are not perfect. But we do not believe in priests; We believe in God. Yes, there is secularism in general, but do not exaggerate, because many good believers exist. Be honest and show the positivity.

The 42% of Poles who report going to Mbad every week usually attend a weekly theatrical performance

Tomasz F .: Take, for example, the corrupt management of cemeteries. In small towns, there are no municipal cemeteries. Whether you like it or not, you have to go to the local priest to gain a place in the graveyard. In other words, baptism, unconscious children's communions, white-dress weddings and religious funerals are required for burial in a cemetery.It is the mystery of the faith.

erjar: The problem? in schools, embarrbading sermons, greed, the alliance of government and church and finally Father Tadeusz Rydzyk

nestor: Poland's only hope of maintaining the influence of Catholicism would be to lead a Catholic dictatorship. And that's what's happening here. Make no mistake, the Church will stop at nothing, even the bloodshed or the pbadage of Poland to Russian rule. It is really the 40,000 rich men of the Church who would suddenly be deprived of their income.

kaczmarek: Money for 40,000 men, their parents, their brothers and sisters, their lovers, their children … The number of church officials is alarming – each congregation employs its own real estate and development agents, lawyers, food and alcohol providers, and preachers. Many of us pay for various religious instructors and spiritual seminars. We maintain their buildings and their reading positions. The most intriguing fact is that it's impossible to determine how much our money is going to the church. It's not just listed as a single article on the state's budget, but rather is a cumulative amount mined in small percentages from several local governments, state-owned enterprises and public funds.

Procession in Wroclaw, Poland, May 31 – Photo: Krzysztof Kaniewski / ZUMA

Not only does every church member receive some of this money, but most pay taxes reduced while others pay no taxes. I am convinced that the Church, the largest non-real estate owner of real estate in Poland, will sell us more than 30 billion Polish zlotys [$8 billion] a year, more than 10% of the budget. This is the subject of the fight, although the Church does not have an adversary, as it has succeeded in spreading terror among politicians of all ranks and from all walks of life. citizens of Poland

worff: Bravo, Church! Add two hours of religion a week to schools, more national pilgrimages to Jasna Góra, more nationalism, more fascist priests, more money for Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, more Radio Maryja, and maybe more. we finally normal!

eriwinkle65: Looking at the pictures of the pro-life protest in Krakow last Sunday, I noticed a lot of people at the Grandparents Day parade with their grandchildren. A handful of young people carrying a banner looked to be elsewhere

Agata O: I stopped going to church when I was 12 years old. This was because of an incident that occurred on a Friday during the confession. I told the priest: "I was not at Mbad, because I did not want to come." The priest banishes me odiously from the church, shouting curses to me in front of a large group of students from my school. My parents asked me to leave. I went out of the church door to never go back again. It's been 27 years since these events. I saw priests gossiping about the sins they heard during confession. I stopped believing in God. I do not care about Christmas. I moved to a secular country, where Christianity is the minority of Shintoism and Buddhism. I do not feel any pressure to baptize my son. I am also disappointed that the church is mingling with politics. I have lost my childish faith and faith. Do I feel emptiness? Sometimes, yes, but it's not so easy to fix.

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