Humans have survived other species by adapting to the "extreme" climate


Berlin: The unique ability of homo sapiens to adapt to the "extreme" environments of the world, where other species like Neanderthals have perished, may have helped us to become the last hominids survivors of the planet, according to a study

. ] Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany and the University of Michigan in the United States examined Middle and Upper Pleistocene data sets (300). -12 thousand years)

The study, published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, shows unique environmental contexts and adaptations for Homo sapiens compared to previous and coexisting hominids such as Homo neanderthalensis and Homo erectus.

"The ability of our species to occupy diverse and" extreme "environments around the world stands in stark contrast to the ecological adaptations of other hominan taxa, and can explain how our species became the last surviving hominin on the planet. Said the researchers.

Researchers suggest that research on what it means to be human should go from attempts to discover the first material traces of "art", "language" or technological "complexity" to the understanding of what makes our species ecologically unique

. and contemporary parents, our species has not only colonized a diversity of challenging environments, including deserts, humid tropical forests, high altitude environments, and the paleoarctic, but also specialized in its adaptation to some of these extremes.

Homo is often described as "human" in academic and public circles, this evolutionary group, which appeared in Africa about three million years ago, is very diverse.

Some members of the genus Homo (ie Homo erectus) in Spain, Georgia, China and Indonesia a million years ago.

Yet existing information on fossil animals, ancient plants, and chemical methods suggests that these Ps followed and exploited environmental mosaics of forest and grbadland.

It has been argued that Homo erectus and the 'Hobbit', or Homo floresiensis, used rainforest and resource-poor tropical forest habitats in Southeast Asia a million or so years ago. ; years. However, researchers have found no reliable evidence for this.

It has also been argued that our closest hominids, Homo neanderthalensis or Neanderthals were specialized in the occupation of Upper Eurasia between 250,000 and 40,000 years ago

The basis of this model includes a form of face potentially adapted to cold temperatures and a hunt for large animals such as woolly mammoths

. Neanderthals primarily exploited a diversity of forest and grbadland habitats, and hunted a variety of animals from the temperature of northern Eurasia to the Mediterranean. [19659002] Unlike these other members of the genus Homo, our species – Homo sapiens – has extended to higher niches than its hominid predecessors and contemporaries 80-50,000 years ago, and colonized rapidly, it at least 45,000 years ago. range of paleo-arctic environments and tropical rainforest conditions across Asia, Melanesia and the Americas.

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