ICE uses the "Ride-Share Rapist" case & # 39; to criticize San Francisco's sanctuary policy: report


  Orlando Vilchez Lazo, 36, was arrested after allegedly attacking women posing as a driver.

Orlando Vilchez Lazo, 36, was arrested after allegedly attacking women posing as a driver


U.S. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement criticized San Francisco on Monday for its sanctuary policy that "protects criminal aliens who attack the community" by designating a clandestine immigrant accused of raping four women, reports The San Francisco Chronicle.

Orlando Vilchez Lazo, 36, is a citizen of Peru and "present in the United States," says the report. He was arrested last week after police reported meeting a man who met the description of the attacker. Police said they took a DNA sample and found a link with four rapes.

Vilchez Lazo was nicknamed the "horse rapist" because he allegedly drove his car into the clubs of the city and pretended to be a driver. The New York Times, citing the authorities, reported that he even had a sticker on his car to indicate that he was working for a company

Vilchez Lazo allegedly committed at least four rapes, one in 2013 and three this year, with the highest number of rapes. recent attack in June. Commander Greg McEachren says that he often waited outside the bars late at night before traveling to other places.

He reportedly worked for Lyft at that time, but the company told the newspaper that there was no work for them. A spokesman said that he had been "disabled" after the allegations.

ICE officials reportedly "deposited a detainee" for Lazo, but said in a statement that the city's prison "does not honor" these detainees. release of foreigners in custody. "

The Trump administration says that sanctuary jurisdictions allow dangerous criminals to return to the streets." San Francisco and other so-called sanctuaries say they turn local police into immigration agents erodes the confidence needed to get people to report the crime.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Vilchez Lazo was being held in San Francisco jail.He can not be immediately determined when he has a lawyer.

Vilchez Lazo faces life imprisonment if he is found guilty

Associated Press contributed to this report

Edmund DeMarche is a news editor for on Twitter @EDeMarche .

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