"I'm not going to go quietly," says Paisley facing the threat of a by-election


  Ian Paisley promised to fight for a by-election if forced. Image: PA "title =" Ian Paisley has promised to fight for a by-election if forced. Image: PA "width =" 620 "height =" 1017 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  Ian Paisley promised to fight for a by-election if forced. Picture: PA </figcaption></figure>
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  • "I'm not going to go quietly," says Paisley in the face of the electoral threat


    Ian Paisley is not going to "go quietly into the night" after his failure to declare two luxury family vacation paid by the Sri Lankan government.

    https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/i-will-not-go-quietly-says-paisley-in-face-of-byelection-treat- 37152075.html

    https : //www.independent.ie/incoming/article37152333.ece/bbff9/AUTOCROP/h342/full%20rout%20read%20please%20paisley%20Read-Only.jpg

  • Email [19659009] Ian Paisley Will not "Spend the Night" as a result of its failure to declare two luxury family vacations paid for by the Sri Lankan government.

million. Paisley was suspended by the Democratic Unionist Party and will also be expelled from the House of Commons for 30 sitting days, effective September 4, as a result of a major breach of parliamentary rules.

Electoral authorities in Northern Ireland will begin to develop measures that could lead to a by-election if enough constituents demand it.

But the North Antrim MP vowed to fight for his seat when he faces the electorate. If 10pc of his constituents sign a petition, an election will be called.

million. Paisley told his local newspaper, "Ballymena's Guardian," that he deeply regretted his actions.

He said, "There are also some who would like me to be expelled from parliament and a by-election called to fill this position."

"These are opportunists, some with dubious motives, and I can tell them that I do not intend to go quietly into the night." If a petition leads to an election Partially, make no mistake, I will seek re-election because I have never fled an election in my life and I do not intend to do so now. "

Mr. Paisley denied having any motive of "real mistake" in 2013, adding that he accepted his "total failure" and apologized wholeheartedly to the House of Commons

. were "significantly more" than Mr. Paisley's estimate of £ 50,000 (£ 56,000), with vacations including business clbad airfare, accommodation in first clbad hotels and more for him and his family.

10 pro-Brexit Democratic unionists currently helping to support Theresa May's minority government.

A statement from the DUP says that he takes the issue very seriously. "Party members have decided to suspend Mr. Ian Paisley in his conduct," he said.

Irish Independent

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