In the midst of the Ohio State abuse investigation, Jim Jordan faces questions about what he knew


The source added that the messages were vaguely threatening, partly because of the amount of emails sent, and that Jordan did not respond to emails because he thought that the man "l & # 39; intimidated."

The alleged victim and former Ohio wrestler Michael DiSabato at Congress obtained by CNN shows that he sent an email to Jordan on April 24 to express his concerns about the bad abuse scandal, and asked Jordan to help him. DiSabato told CNN that there was no answer.

NBC News reported for the first time on Tuesday that the powerful Congressman of Ohio was aware of allegations that Dr. Richard Strauss was badaulting members of the wrestling team from 1986 to 1994 ., but that he ignored these allegations of abuse.

CNN has not confirmed all the details of the NBC report. Jordan and his office have always denied knowing of such behavior

 Ohio State studies reports of badual misconduct by a former physician. Here's What We Know

DiSabato had sent emails for a few months, the source said, adding that the congressman did not respond to emails because that he I did not want to encourage the behavior.

DiSabato told Brooke Baldwin of CNN Wednesday on "Newsroom" that the idea that his congressional messages amounted to intimidation is "laughable."

"Jim Jordan is a world-clbad athlete who is very aggressive in his actions … he's a bulldog, let's be honest," DiSabato said in an interview. "So for him to say that he was being bullied by Mike DiSabato is a little laughable."

He added, "I think Jim is in a position where he does not know what to say now."

Speaking to reporters at a July 4th celebration in Fremont, Ohio, earlier Wednesday, Jordan said that he had last spoken to DiSabato in early spring but that he had been emailed Wednesday at 4:30. A team of investigators to investigate allegations of badual abuse said Tuesday they contacted Jordan by email and phone to request interviews. In a letter obtained by CNN, Ohio State legal counsel said that to date Jordan has not responded to their requests. The Jordan office said on Wednesday that it still had not found any communications from the investigators. The chief of staff extended a hand to the investigators on Tuesday to clarify if there were any but no answer yet.

In Fremont, Jordan said that he "has never known any abuse of Dr. Strauss, simple and simple."

"We were not aware of any abuse, we had never heard of abuse, if we had done it, we would have reported "said Jordan. "If, in fact, there are problems, we want justice for those who have been victims, of course, and as I said, we are happy to talk to people who are doing the same. investigation.

Jordan acknowledged that he was aware that Strauss had taken a shower with the team, but he described this as the nature of how the installation was installed.

"We had a separate cloakroom, but the shower was sort of in the general area," said the congressman. When a reporter asked if the doctor was taking a shower with the team, he replied, "Yes, he would do it, but there were teachers, staff, other students – that's it. was exactly the nature of the arrangement. "

Jordan" knew everything ", claims the victim

DiSabato, a former wrestler at OSU, told CNN Tuesday that there is no doubt in his mind that Jordan "knew everything". He added that during his stay at OSU, allegations of athlete abuse by Strauss were widely known and discussed.

"We trained together everyday." The locker (Jordan) was next to Doc Strauss. Doc was a serial groper, "said DiSabato." Doc likes to hold your penis, everyone knew it. "

DiSabato told CNN that he had been caught dozens of times by Strauss

"I've never seen Doc Strauss over a period of nine years where he did not ask me – where I went to see him for medication or anything, a finger injury, a shoulder, one knee – where he did not want to examine my testicles, "he said. "He groped every time."

The Ohio State University announced in April that it was investigating allegations that Strauss, who died in 2005, allegedly abused members of the US State University. team from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. Three former wrestlers told NBC News that the doctor was going to shower regularly with students and inappropriately touch them during appointments.
When news reports about the investigation were released this spring, Jordan told The Columbus Dispatch: "Jordan" is a member of the House Freedom Caucus, an influential group of Republicans who are known as the most Conservatives on the Hill. According to caucus chair Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, he was "encouraged by some of his colleagues" to consider running for the Speaker of the House

. A spokesman for the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Jordan Wisconsin "serious" and said that they should be investigated.

"These are serious allegations and problems," Doug Andres told CNN in a statement. "The university has legitimately started a full investigation on the subject and will await the conclusions of this investigation."

CNN's Annie Geng, MJ Lee and Elizabeth Landers contributed to this report.

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