Inpatient Ryanair passengers must take an 18-hour bus to Croatia


A group of about 30 people hospitalized in Germany after an emergency landing in Ryanair flight was seen offering an 18 hour bus trip to their destination in Croatia.

Many pbadengers transported to the hospital suffered from eardrums

Ryanair flight FR7312, which was scheduled to fly between Dublin and Zadar, was forced to make an emergency landing at Frankfurt-Hahn airport Friday night after a depressurization in the cabin.

  Conor Brennan took a photo of FR7312 domestic flight after landing in Germany
Conor Brennan took this photograph of FR7312 domestic flight after landing in Germany
  Conor Brennan suffered a substantial accumulation of fluid behind his ears after the emergency landing of this aircraft at Frankfurt Airport. Photo: Conor Brennan
Conor Brennan suffered a significant accumulation of fluid behind his ears after the emergency landing of this aircraft at Frankfurt Airport. Photography: Conor Brennan

Conor Brennan (21), one of these pbadengers transported to the hospital, describes his injuries to The Irish Times .

"Fortunately, I did not have broken eardrums, but I have to take some fluid, mostly blood, behind my eardrums, which will take several days to calm down. "

" I have to stay under pain for several days and I can not take flights for "

M. Brennan said that Ryanair said it would arrange a bus to bring all the pbadengers who received medical care to Zadar because they were unable to fly.

He says that they were waiting in this bus for but he was told later that he would pick them up at the airport around 1 pm, Ireland time.

Ryanair was asked to comment on this case with the bus, but declined to add an earlier statement on the emergency landing.

M. Brennan described the chaos that ensued when the pl "Oxygen masks fell, then about 20 seconds later, the pilot announced that he was going to make a controlled descent." Then we went down really , very fast for about 5 minutes, my ears had the impression of exploding

"Then we stabilized and kept going down for about 10 minutes. We landed at Zadar airport, I stayed in the plane for about 20 minutes despite the request for medical care.

"Finally, we landed and waited on the track for another 20 minutes. We were then transported to a terminal, where we waited another 20 minutes before receiving a medical record, where they looked at us.

"There was still half an hour before I received a doctor's attention, who gave me some painkillers, and an hour later I was transported to

"There were very few signs, if at all, there were Ryanair staff." The airport staff and the Red Cross have done their best to manage the situation, as Ryanair was not found, Ryanair's first communication.

"They showed a shocking lack of empathy for their clients, almost almost inhuman.

Ryanair issued a statement Saturday morning saying: "This flight from Dublin to Zadar (July 13) diverted to Frankfurt Hahn due to a flight depressurization. In accordance with the standard procedure, the crew deployed oxygen masks and initiated a controlled descent. The plane landed normally and customers landed, where a small number received medical attention as a precaution.

"Customers were getting coupons and hotel accommodation was allowed, but there was a shortage of accommodations available.Customers will board a replacement aircraft that will leave for Zadar this morning and Ryanair sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience. "

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