Ireland to destination for child trafficking gangs, Europol warns


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  • Ireland to destination for child trafficking gangs, Europol warns

    Ireland has been identified as a destination for victims of child trafficking in a new report published by Europol.

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Ireland has been identified as a destination for victims of child trafficking in a new report published by Europol.

The report, detailing cases of underage trafficking in the EU, revealed 302 cases – which is more than one victim – in the two-year period between 2015 and 2017.

Criminals operating out of countries including China, Afghanistan and Russia are reported to be involved in Europe and Spain.

Victims were later transported to other countries within the EU, including Ireland, where they are exploited in a world of criminal activity including prostitution and organized begging.

The report showed Nigerian crime gangs operating in Europe had become a particular "challenge for EU law enforcement".

These included a vast network of people who are involved in transporting victims.

It also highlighted the badumption of victims' families in many cases who had been coerced through the promise of a financial reward.

Ten countries, including Ireland, France, and the UK, were revealed as destinations for Nigerian minors in Europe.

Speaking of the report's findings, director of Europol Catherine De Bolle said vulnerable children have been prejudiced by criminals who want to exploit them.

"Vulnerable boys and girls between the ages of two and 17 years old are targeted by traffickers for different purposes, to be badually abused in prostitution, pickpocket or steal from shops," she said.

"Only if able to work together, can we effectively protect these minors, as exploited children in vulnerable situations deserve to be.

"Children do not decide for themselves, traffickers very often directly engage their families in the recruitment process or even just target orphans."

Over a thousand victims of smuggling have been identified in Europe between the 2015 and 2017.

Criminal begging has also been noted as an issue in the report, where "large family clans which mainly trafficked children for the purpose of begging, forced criminality and badual exploitation".

Irish Independent

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