Ireland will support the UK's attempt to expand EU withdrawal negotiations


Ireland will support any request from the United Kingdom for an extension of the Article 50 process to give more time to negotiate the withdrawal of the EU, said Simon Coveney.

million. Coveney rejected the eurosceptic speech of a Brexit without agreement. "Bravado" and said that he believed that there was still time to reach an agreement by October.

But called for an "intensification" of talks at the official level over the summer to resolve outstanding disputes.

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney is in London for Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Talks (Brian Lawless / PA)

Elements of the British Bargaining Position exposed in Theresa May's white paper will be difficult He added that the document had made the negotiations "easier" by moving back from the previous red lines.

He rejected suggestions that the amendments to the law on Brexit imposed on Ms. May by Eurosceptic b. Mr. Coveney at the time expressed that the talks were going on in Brussels, with a meeting between the Chief Negotiator EU Michel Barnier and Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab scheduled for Thursday.

Ms. May confirmed on Tuesday that she had taken over the negotiations, with Mr. Raab being "acting" for her in Brussels.

? The agenda of this week's bargaining #Brexit @ EU_Commission is available online: 1) Withdrawal Agreement, 2) Ireland / Northern Ireland, 3 ) Future Relations – @MichelBarnier will meet @DominicRaab in Brussels on Thursday: https: //

– Daniel Ferrie (@DanielFerrie) 24 July 2018

Eurosceptic Tory have expressed concerns that the Department of Mr. Raab has been sidelined by Number 10 and Ms. May The European Councilor for the "I". Europe, Olly Robbins, amid growing speculation that divisions within the conservative camp could lead to a Brexit without agreement.

million. Coveney confirmed that Ireland was preparing emergency plans to deal with the bankruptcy of the EU.

But he told the program of BBC Radio 4's Today: "The truth is that I do not believe that Britain can afford a Brexit without agreement, I do not believe that there is anything about it. Ireland or the EU want that either.The implications of a Brexit without agreement are very significant for Ireland and the UK We all have the obligation to ensure that That does not happen. "Asked if Ireland would support an extension of the Article 50 process, Mr. Coveney said:" Absolutely, if Britain asks for more time and if that is necessary to reach a reasonable agreement, "But I think that, even if the schedule is tight, it is possible to achieve a result that is good for Britain and good for the EU within the deadlines that are currently there, but this also requires an intensification of negotiations on Brexit. "

M. Coveney said the UK was "negotiating with itself" in the six months preceding the publication of the white paper.

"We now have clarity what the British government is asking for," he said. "I think there are elements of what would be difficult to negotiate … but I think it's easier to achieve now."

Ms. May's plan poses potential obstacles: the separation of the regimes of goods and services and the creation of one He however added that the amendment pbaded by the Commons prohibiting a customs border in the the Irish Sea would make it contrary to the idea of ​​a new "complex" customs arrangement providing for different tariffs for imports destined for the United Kingdom or the EU. impossible to agree on the EU's support plan for Northern Ireland.

"You can not negotiate on the basis of laws pbaded in your parliament or amendments to parliament and say:" Sorry, we have no more flexibility ""

"L & # 39; European Union could do the same thing and we would go nowhere. "

The comments of Mr. Coveney came more details of the planning of a Brexit without conclusion.

Secretary to Matt Hancoc health Mr. Raab said the government would also take steps to ensure an "adequate food supply."

We need to see the full list, including products that need refrigeration or short shelf life , the costs, who will be responsible and how these costs will be transmitted to the NHS

– Sarah Wollaston MP (@sarahwollaston) July 24, 2018

Sarah Wollaston, President Special Health Committee of Commons, called for p read more clarity about government plans.

The pro-EU conservative told BBC Newsnight: "It's not just about storing here" About 700,000 diagnostic tests a year in the NHS require medical radioisotopes, but these have they have a very short shelf life, they can not be stored and they are not made here. "

Two former N Secretaries of Northern Ireland, Owen Paterson and Theresa Villiers, wrote in the Daily Telegraph that technological solutions can be implemented to keep the Irish border soft, "if only they are not delayed by political quarrels".

in Washington tomorrow to negotiate an agreement on trade. I have a idea for them.The US and the EU remove all tariffs, barriers and subsidies! This would eventually be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hopefully they do it, we are ready – but they will not do it not

– Donald J. T rump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2018

Meanwhile, efforts to repair the EU's relations with the White House Jean-Claude Juncker will meet Donald Trump in Washington to discuss the trade dispute between the United States and its allies.

Before the meeting, the US President tweeted to suggest abolishing tariffs between the US and the EU just hours after another tweet. He wrote: "The European Union arrives in Washington tomorrow to negotiate a trade agreement.I have an idea for them."

"The United States and the United States. remove all tariffs, barriers and subsidies! It would eventually be called Free Market and Fair Trade! I hope they will, we are ready – but they will not do it! "

– Association of the Press

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