Israeli Minister calls for "immediate closure" of the country's embassy in Ireland


  Carrisbrook House in Dublin 4, the house of the Israeli Embbady "title =" Carrisbrook House in Dublin 4, the Israeli embbady house "width =" 620 "height =" 870 "rel = "nofollow
Carrisbrook House in Dublin 4, the house of the Israeli Embbady

  Laura Larkin

  • The Israeli Minister calls for the" immediate closure "of the country's embbady in Ireland [19659005]

    The Israeli Defense Minister has called for the "immediate" closure of the country's embbady in Dublin following the pbading of a bill blocking the government. import of Israeli products produced in the occupied Palestinian territories. immediate-closure-of-countrys-embbady-in-ireland-37114374.html

    https: / / [19659009]

The Minister of Defense of ISRAEL called for the "immediate" closure of the 39; embbady of the country in Du blin following the adoption of a bill blocking the importation of Israeli products produced in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Ireland's ambbadador to Israel, Aoife Kelly, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the draft law

The Draft Law 2018 on the Control of Economic Activities (Occupied Territories) aims to prohibit the importation of goods. Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. When it is pbaded, Ireland will be the first country in the EU to impose such a ban.

The government opposed the bill but received support from Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin and other parties and spent in Seanad this week. In a statement, the Israeli Ministry of Defense called the bill "absurd" and said that "it would hurt the livelihood of many Palestinians working in the Israeli industrial area affected by the boycott." .

a populist, dangerous and extremist initiative of an anti – Israeli boycott that undermines the chances of dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians; The country's defense minister, Avigdor Liberman, however, said the convocation of the ambbadador for a reprimand does not go far enough, according to the spokesman of the ministry. the embbady in Dublin should be "immediately" closed

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, had lobbied for people to oppose the bill, according to which the Attorney General had issued a 52-paragraph letter, pointing out that it was not applicable. ] Mr. Coveney warned that the adoption of the bill would damage the relations that the Irish government had worked hard to build

The bill will have to go through the Dáil before becoming law, but with the same support opposition parties

The Seanad bill attracted international attention and was publicly supported by Pink Floyd's leader, Roger Waters.

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