"It was an accident" – Sinn Fein Dublin, MEP, who liked the offensive tweet by Arlene Foster


  DUP Leader Arlene Foster. Photo: PA "title =" DUP Leader Arlene Foster. Photo: PA "width =" 620 "height =" 383 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  DUP Leader Arlene Foster. Photo: PA </figcaption></figure>
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  • "It was an accident" – Sinn Fein Dublin, MEP, who liked an offensive tweet about Arlene Foster


    A Sinn Fein MEP who liked an offensive tweet about the leader of the DUP, Arlene Foster was an accident.

    https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/it-was-an-accident-sinn-fein-dublin-mep-who-liked-offensive-tweet-about-arlene-foster- 37090164 .html


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A Sinn Fein MEP who liked an offensive tweet about the DUP leader, Arlene Foster, insisted that it was an accident.

The tweet compared Mrs. Foster to US President Donald Trump and labeled it "hateful, racist, fanatic" and "an orange c ***".

Dublin MEP Lynn Boylan liked the tweet Friday night was due to travel to Scotland for a parade of the Orange Order to mark July 12.

The tweet said, "So Arlene Foster will go to Scotland for the next 12th week, and will Donald Trump travel the same week?"

"Typical, is not it? You are waiting all year round for a hateful, racist and sectarian, and two of them arrive at once. "

Ms. Boylan has since deleted the equivalent on her Twitter account and claims that the action was accidental. [19659004]" It was an accident like that was defeated immediately. I had the intention to scroll the tweet and accidentally click on the button "I love"

"The tweet was offensive, sectarian and sectarian and it's not something something I would badociate with

"In fact, the tweet defies everything I represent politically and what I spend every day working trying to uproot Irish politics.

A DUP spokeswoman called Ms. Boylan to publicly apologize.

"The abuse on social media does not have to be" Lynn Boylan and Sinn Fein should publicly apologize. "

"We hope that Ms. Boylan can explain why she abused another elected official, especially the leader of the largest unionist party."

"We hope that Sinn Fein will address this issue with vigor. "

" Respect and Awareness of the Unionist Community Still Failed. "

The tweet referred to President Trump's next visit to Scotland in July, and Ms. Foster recently attended the Battle of the Boyne in Cowdenbeath, Fife, June 30, but does not participate in any event in Scotland on July 12. 19659026] Press Association

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