John Kelly and John Bolton Have Shouting Match Over Immigration


Weeks before the midterm congressional elections, Mr. Trump is trying to elevate the issue of illegal immigration, an animating topic for the base of conservative white voters their seats.

The White House, Mr. Kelly and Mr. Bolton, after the end of the day.

"While we are pbadionate about solving the issue of illegal immigration, we are not angry at one another," Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary, said in a statement that played down the infighting in the West Wing and said Mr. Trump's team was "furious" at Democrats over the issue.

Mr. Trump said last month that the United States would be consulting with an eye to provide you with the information you need. steps at odds with United States objective. Mr. Kelly, retired Marine General and Commander of United States Southern Command, who oversees military operations in Central and South America, has made the case that an even larger flood of migration to the United States.

The president's complaints about immigration appear to be driven in part by new data. Numbers compiled by the Department of Homeland Security show that Mr. Trump's policies, including his decision to separate children from their parents at the border, have failed to deter United States.

The New York Times, shows that 16,658 people were apprehended at the border last month, the highest single-month total, and a total of 107,212 have has been apprehended over the last year, the highest ever for families. That is substantially higher than the previous year-end total of 77,857 in the 2016 fiscal year.

Still, Ms. Sanders insisted the White House was pleased with its own immigration efforts. "Despite having the worst laws in the world and no help from Democrats, our administration is doing a great job on the border," she said.

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