Kavanaugh faces an uphill battle of confirmation in the Senate


With the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh's President Trump to the Supreme Court, all eyes are now on the Senate, where a fierce battle of confirmation awaits.

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A sign of what lies ahead of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

"I will oppose the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh with all that I have, and hope that a bipartisan majority will do the same. The stakes are simply too high for anything less, "said Schumer in a statement.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senate would vote on Trump's candidate to succeed Justice Anthony Kennedy this fall before the mid-term elections. The Senate only needs a simple majority – or 51 votes – to confirm candidates for the Supreme Court.

  PHOTO: Judge Brett Kavanaugh Speaks After President Donald J. Trump Announces Candidate to Replace Anthony Kennedy, Retired Supreme Court Judge, Washington, DC, July 9, 2018.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh speaks after President Donald J. Trump announced his candidate to replace Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in Washington on July 9, 2018.

"I look forward to meeting with the judge Kavanaugh's appointment, starting with the work of President Grbadley and the Judiciary Committee, is an opportunity for Senators to put aside partisanship and consider his legal qualifications with fairness, respect and the seriousness that an appointment to the Supreme Court should command, "said McConnell in a statement Monday.

He should meet Kavanaugh on Tuesday.

Republicans hold a razor majority, and given the prolonged absence of GOP Senator John McCain, Kavanaugh's confirmation is anything but a slam dunk.

McCain, weighing Arizona while he continues his battle with brain cancer, praised Kavanaugh's impeccable credentials in a statement released on Monday.

"By choosing Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacancy left by Judge Kennedy, President Trump has chosen a candidate with impeccable credentials and a strong record of constitutional compliance." Judge Kavanaugh's legal career, he has forged a reputation as a fair, independent and traditional judge who has earned the respect of his peers.One of the highest constitutional responsibilities of the Senate is to provide advice and guidance. consent on appointments to the Supreme Court, and I look forward to the Senate fulfilling this vital duty through a fair and rigorous confirmation process, "McCain said.

Several Democrats have already announced that they would oppose the appointment of Kavanaugh, citing his concerns about his commitment to protect health and abortion rights laws given the Trump's repeated promises to overthrow Roe v. Wade.

  President Donald Trump announces that Brett Kavanaugh will be his Supreme Court candidate in the East Hall of the White House on Monday, July 9, 2018. AP
President Donald Trump announces Brett Kavanaugh as His Supreme Court Candidate, in the East Room of the White House, Monday, July 9, 2018.

But while most Democrats have announced their opposition to Trump's candidate, there are a handful of moderate Democrats who could deliver another victory for Trump.

Here are the words of the moderate Democrats

Three vulnerable Democratic senators from the Red State will be watching in the coming weeks. Sense Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana are re-elected this year in the easily won Trump states in the 2016 presidential election. They voted with the Republicans the last time to confirm Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017.

"As a Senator from West Virginia, I have the constitutional obligation to advise and consent to a candidate to fill vacancies in the Supreme Court and I take this responsibility seriously. as I did when Merrick Garland and Neil Gorsuch were appointed, I will evaluate Judge Kavanaugh's record, his legal qualifications, his judicial philosophy and in particular his perspective on health care, " said Monday Manchin, DW.

"As I have always said, I believe that the Senate should hold committee hearings; Senators should meet him, we should debate his qualifications in the Senate and cast any vote we believe he deserves. I look forward to meeting Judge Kavanaugh, reviewing his decisions and deciding where he has to give his consent, "said Mr Manchin.

Donnelly reflected Manchin's statement and said that he would examine carefully and consider the record and qualifications of Kavanaugh.

"As I said, part of my work as a senator includes a thorough reflection on judicial appointments, including before the Supreme Court, and I will follow the same approach as for a vacant position in the Senate. Supreme Court: Following the announcement of the President, I will carefully consider the record and qualifications of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, said Mr. Donnelly.

"All that changes for me is that we now have a candidate," Heitkamp said in a statement. "As I pointed out to the President at our meeting two weeks ago, one of the most important tasks of any US senator is to subject any candidate to the Supreme Court to complete scrutiny. highest jurisdiction of our country. Now, I will go to work to thoroughly review and verify his file to provide advice and consent to fill this vacancy, which is part of my constitutional duties.

This is what moderate Republicans say

On the Republican side, it is these two moderate women: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine.

Murkowski and Collins will surely face growing pressure over the next few months from their fellow Democrats to belittle the presidential candidate on the fate of abortion and women's reproductive rights.

But they have a story with Kavanaugh. In 2006, they both voted in favor of Kavanaugh to be a US Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit.

They both voted in favor of Gorsuch in 2017.

The two were invited to the White House on Monday to participate in the announcement of Trump, but they both declined the invitation.

"Judge Kavanaugh has impressive credentials and vast experience, having served more than a decade on the Court of Appeals of the D.C. Circuit," Collins said in a statement.

"I will conduct a careful and thorough examination of the presidential candidate at the Supreme Court, as I have done with the five previous Supreme Court justices that I have considered." I look forward to Justice Kavanaugh's public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee and questioning him at a meeting in my office, "said Mr. Collins.

As for Murkowski, she says that she is eager to sit down for a personal meeting with Kavanaugh.

"I intend to review the decisions of Judge Kavanaugh on the bench and the writings of the judges, and pay particular attention to his answers to questions put by my colleagues in the Committee The Judicial Committee of the Senate will also review Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications prior to these hearings and issue a note. side, the information obtained through personal meetings, my own review of Kavanaugh's qualifications and record, and the views of Alaskans as to whether or not to support him. Supreme Court remains rigorous and demanding, "said Mr. Murkowski in a statement

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