LacPatrick increases the price of milk for June supplies


  LacPatrick is one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the border region "title =" LacPatrick is one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the border region "width =" 620 "height =" 465 " rel = "nofollow" />
</span><figcaption>  LacPatrick is one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the border region </figcaption></figure>
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  • LacPatrick raises the price of milk for June shipments

    The Board of Directors of LakePatrick Dairies met today (July 18) and set milk prices for June supplies.

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The Board of Directors of LacPatrick Dairies met today. (July 18) and set a price for milk for June supplies.

Suppliers in the Republic of Ireland will receive a base price of 31c / l (including VAT) for milk supplied in June. This is an increase of 0.75 c / l on May deliveries.

Northern Ireland suppliers will receive a base price of 26.5p / liter for milk supplied in June. Yesterday, the Dairygold Management Board decided today to maintain the base price paid for milk delivered in June at 32cpl, including the quality premium of 0.5 cpl and VAT, based on standard constituents. of 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat

Earlier this week, the Kerry Group's base price for June milk deliveries was unchanged at 31 cpl vat inclusive.

Glanbia Ireland (GI) announced last week's June price of 2 cents to 31 cpl VAT included, for the manufacture of milk at 3.6 pc fat and 3.3 pcs of protein

in addition, Glanbia Co-op will pay a drought-related support payment June manufactures milk at 3.6% fat and 3.3% protein

Glanbia Ireland base price and support payment Cooperatives will be adjusted to reflect the actual constituents of the milk delivered by the suppliers.
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