Last: Trump prepares for face-to-face while Putin arrives in Finland


Update 11.30: Vladimir Putin arrived in Finland on the eve of this morning's meeting with US President Donald Trump.

JUST IN: Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin arrives in Helsinki, Finland, before meeting the president. Asset.

– ABC News (@ABC) July 16, 2018

Although the summit was scheduled to start at 11 am Irish time, it seems to be a delay since neither of the two chefs has arrived at the palace.

The summit was to begin 11 minutes ago, but the leaders are not yet at the palace. It seems that Putin is holding Trump. Waiting for people, it is the MO of the Russian president to badert his dominion.- Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) July 16, 2018

Today's meeting comes amidst frayed Western alliances and developments in the investigation of Russian interference in the US presidential elections

The meeting has already was sentenced by members of Congress of both parties after the US indictment last week of 12 Russian military. intelligence agents accused of hacking Democrats in the 2016 elections to help Mr. Trump's presidential campaign.

But the US president is not discouraged and should meet face-to-face Mr. Putin.

million. Trump, who has been trying to lower expectations on what the meeting will achieve, told reporters at a breakfast with Finland. president that he thought the summit would go "well".

Trump met with the President of Finland for breakfast (Emmi Korhonen / Lehtikuva via AP)

The meeting comes as Mr. Trump will reproach his Russian counterpart to interfere in the elections, prompting a special advocate to stigmatize a witch hunt.

Our relationship with Russia has never been worse for many years. stupidity and stupidity and now, the witch hunt Rigged!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018

M. Trump continued to undermine the investigation in a series of tweets from Helsinki before the meeting, blaming me "Our relations with Russia have never been worse," he wrote, accusing "many years of American foolishness and stupidity, and now, fiddling with witches! "

He also continued to blame his predecessor, Barack Obama, for not having impeded Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 elections in his favor, saying that when Mr. Obama "was informed by the FBI of Russian interference, he said that this could not happen, "

The Obama administration took action, including confronting Mr. Putin himself and expelling close to three dozen Russian diplomats whom the United States described as intelligence agents and imposed new sanctions

.that Crooked Hillary would win the election, so when he was informed by the FBI on Russian Meddling, he said that it could not happen, was not a big deal, and did nothing.When I won, it became a big deal and the Rigged Witch Hunt led by Strzok!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Jul 16 llet 2018

While Mr. Trump was eager to make a televised show that will dominate the headlines as his appointment with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un last month, the Kremlin's main mission was simply to make so that the summit happens.

million. Putin hopes that this meeting, which will take place a few hours after the end of the World Cup, will help him forge good personal ties with Mr Trump and focus on areas where Moscow and Washington could find land. d & # 39; agreement. Vladimir Putin chaired the World Cup final on Sunday (AP Photo / Matthias Schrader)

The two leaders meet for the first time in a tête-à-tête. [19459089] The opulent gothic hall of the Finnish presidential palace, and then the discussions continue with a group of enlarged badistants and lunch in the Hall of Mirrors, formerly the throne room of the emperor. The leaders will then take questions at a press conference.

million. Putin is unlikely to target the official recognition of Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, nor the easing of crippling US sanctions, knowing Congress would never allow such action.

But he would like a symbolic end to Western protests against the Crimea and Moscow's attempts to destabilize elections and traditional Western alliances and norms.

Receives many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together. they focused on financial obligations, present and future. We had a very good summit that was poorly covered by much of the media. NATO is now strong and rich

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018

M. Trump unleashed his own attacks against these institutions before arriving in Finland.

In an interview with the attack followed the appearance of Mr. Trump at a summit of NATO in Brussels, where he criticized the traditional allies about spending "delinquents" to confirm his commitment. to the military alliance.

"NATO is now strong and rich!" Mr. Trump tweeted Monday morning. During his lunch, he said that NATO had "never been more together" and stated that the summit had been "a bit hard at first, but it turned out to be the only one." 39; love. "

– Good conversation about the problems our nations are facing. Thanks to @JenniHaukio for hosting me! – Melania Trump (@ FLOTUS) July 16, 2018

Meanwhile, the first American lady Melania Trump said that she and her Finnish counterpart had "a good conversation on the issues Ms. Trump said in a tweet that she enjoyed Monday's speech, adding, "Thanks to Jenni Haukio for hosting me!"

Ms. Haukio is the wife of Sauli Niinisto, the president of Finland: The first ladies met separately during breakfast while their husbands were discussing

Meanwhile, the Finnish tabloid Iltalehti took the first American lady to the task with a photo on the front page for an "offense" to label. "Air Force One in front of President Trump after landing at the airport in Helsinki

– PA and Digital Desk

Earlier: Trump calls the # 39; World enemy of the EU while it arrives in F Iceland for the Putin Summit

US President Donald Trump has designated the EU as one of the main opponents of the United States and denounced the media as " enemies of the people "before arriving in Helsinki on the eve of its high-stakes summit. Vladimir Putin

Trump and his top badistants downplayed expectations for Monday's summit as Trump continued to shake allies by immersing himself in the EU with Russia and China after touring from Europe, causing chaos to NATO. Trump spent the weekend in Scotland at his Turnberry club, playing golf, tweeting and giving an interview to CBS News in which he placed the EU at the top of his list of the world's greatest enemies .

"I think the European Union is an enemy, what they do to us in trade," said Trump, adding that "you would not think of the European Union, but they are an enemy. "

He said that Russia is an enemy "in some ways" and that China is an enemy "economically … but that does not mean that they are bad." That does not mean anything. means that they are competitive. "

Trump has been reluctant to criticize Putin over the years and has described in recent days not as an enemy but as a competitor.

Teppo Marttila, disguised as Uncle Sam, takes part in the demonstration of the young members of the True Finns in support of Donald Trump (AP)

Sunday, Trump 's flew to Finland, last leg of a week – long trip

Near the Trump hotel, police surrounded a group of about 60 pro protesters -Trump, mostly male, waving American flags

A rally against US President Donald Trump in Helsinki. (AP)

Large banners announced "Welcome Trump" and "God Blesses D & M Trump" and a helicopter hovered above our heads.

Songs of "We love Trump, We love Trump" As the presidential procession pbaded, Trump waved his hand.

It's low, saying to CBS News: "I'm not expecting anything … I'm going there with very low expectations."

His security advisor said they were not looking for "concrete deliverables".

WATCH: President Trump says @jeffglor that he is going to the summit of Helsinki with "low expectations" and that he will consider asking Russia to Extradite officers indicted by Special Adviser Robert Mueller. More information about @FaceTheNation Sunday.

– CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) July 15, 2018

He also said in the interview, recorded Saturday, that he had "not thought" to ask Putin to extradite the dozen Russian military policemen indicted last week in Washington for charges related to the hacking of Democratic targets in the elections

But after receiving the idea by his interviewer, Trump said; "Certainly, I'll ask about it."

In the CBS News interview, Trump refused to discuss his goals for the summit – "I'll let you know after the meeting," he said – but said

An imitator of Donald Trump poses for photos in front of the presidential palace in Helsinki (AP)

He quoted his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in June is a "good thing", as well as meetings that he had with Chinese President Xi Jinping

"Nothing serious will come out" of the Helsinki meeting, he said, "and perhaps From Air Force One, Trump complained in tweets that he was not getting enough credit for his meeting with Kim and quipped on the fact that "Most of our media are in effect the enemy of the people. "he sat down with Putin

… over the years I would go back to criticism This was not enough, I should have had St. Petersburg in addition! A large part of our media is indeed the enemy of the people and all the Dems …

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 15, 2018

Trump complains: " No matter what I do at the Summit, "it will face" criticism that it was not good enough. "

" If we gave me the big city of Moscow as retribution for all the sins and evils committed by Russia over the years, I repeat criticism that it was not enough – that I should have had St. Petersburg besides! "Tweeted.

Trump also congratulated Putin on holding the World Cup, which ended Sunday.

Trump and Putin have had talks several times before. Their first meeting took place last July when they both took part in an international summit and lasted more than two hours, well beyond the expected 30 minutes

The leaders also met in the fall last at a separate summit in Vietnam

– Press Association

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