Latest News: Greece says Italian planes help fight fire


Greek Minister of Public Order says Italy sends two Canadair firefighting planes and Romania sends third plane to help fight forest fires near the border . the Greek capital that killed at least 74 people.

Minister Nikos Toskas said Tuesday night that the plane is expected to arrive Wednesday morning to reinforce firefighting efforts. Toskas said that if necessary, Greece would ask for additional help from other EU member states.

Toskas said that there had never been so many offers to support firefighting efforts, praising the solidarity of other countries. Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, said the bloc of 28 countries would take steps to improve its response. Fires in the seaside resorts near the Greek capital burned homes, cars and forests, killing at least 74 people.

Authorities say 26 of the dead were found huddled together in a compound. Other bodies were found in the sea, where the victims had fled to escape the flames and smoke.

The fires that erupted on Monday were the deadliest in the country for decades. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared three days of national mourning. Officials fear that the death toll will increase further.

6:10 pm

Macedonia offered 6 million denars (about 100,000 euros) as emergency aid to neighboring Greece to fight the fires that killed dozens of people

Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev posted on Twitter on Tuesday that his government would make funds available to Greek fire agencies.

The Macedonian government will also set up a body to monitor the situation and coordinate humanitarian operations.

Zaev offered his condolences to the Greeks and the families who lost their members and friends.

The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also urged its citizens to avoid visiting the Attic areas affected by the fires.


Pope Francis prays for the dozens of deaths in the forest fires in Greece and offers encouragement to the firefighters Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on Tuesday sent a telegram of condolences to the Greek public and ecclesiastical authorities after at least 74 were killed in the forest fires near Athens.

"deeply saddened" to learn about death and destruction "and extends his solidarity to all who are affected by this tragedy."

Fires have devastated the seaside resorts near the Greek capital, burning homes, cars and forests. More than 180 people are treated for injuries.

5:45 pm

The Fire Department of Greece reports that the number of forest fire victims in the seaside resorts near the Greek capital has increased to 74. The spokesperson Fire Department spokesman Stavroula Malliri said on Tuesday afternoon that the death toll had dropped from 50 to 74, adding that another 164 adults and 23 children were still being treated in hospitals for injuries.

one to the west of Athens near the town of Kineta and one to the northeast near the port of Rafina. The two were fanned by gale force winds on Monday that thwarted firefighting efforts and sent hundreds of people fleeing to the beaches, from where they were evacuated late at night


According to Polish officials, a Polish woman and her son drowned when their boat capsized during the evacuation of forest fires in Greece.

Janusz Smigielski, deputy chief of Poznan The Grecos office said Tuesday that the two men were on vacation in Mati, east of Athens. He stated that they had drowned during the evacuation of 10 people by boat Wednesday night, and that he was still waiting for the Greek authorities to give details of the accident .

Smigielski reported that 435 other Grecos customers in the Athens area were displaced

The Polish Foreign Ministry appealed to Poles in Greece to be very cautious.

This release removes erroneous references to other victims in the capsized boat. The woman and her son drowned, but we still do not know what happened to others in their boat.


Croatia has offered two Canadair aircraft to help Greece fight forest fires. Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic said Tuesday that Croatia is preparing the planes so they are ready to travel to Greece if necessary.

At least 50 people were killed and more than 100 others were injured. Forest fires. Croatia stated that none of its citizens were among the victims.

Forest fires are also common in Croatia in dry and windy weather during hot summers along the Adriatic Sea coast.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel offers her country's help to fight the forest fires raging in Greece

In a message of condolence addressed to Prime Minister Greek Minister Alexis Tsipras, Ms Merkel said: She added, "You can be sure of our willingness to provide support to deal with the fire disaster."

The wildfires raging in the seaside resorts near Athens have caused at least 50 deaths. [19659002]

2:30 pm

Italy offers two Canadair aircraft to help Greece fight fires that killed dozens of people near Athens

Prime Minister Giuseppe Tale tweeted Tuesday Italy's support for Greece and its condolences. tho who are dead. He announced that Italy was providing the two jettisonable aircraft.

Italy regularly experiences wildfires in the summer, especially in the south. On Monday evening, the Sicilian firefighters controlled the latest one near Acireale, with the help of two Canadair

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared three days of national mourning for the dozens of dead in the fires that swept the seaside areas near Athens. . Many people fled to the beaches, some swimming towards the sea to escape the sweltering smoke.

2:10 pm

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared three days of national mourning for dozens of people The official toll of deaths that erupted on Monday from 50 deadly fires is fell on Monday. There were fears that the death toll could increase as rescue teams searched through the charred remains of houses, while the Coast Guard swept the seas. Many people have fled to the beaches, some swimming at sea to escape the sweltering smoke. More than 700 people have been evacuated from the beaches.

"Today, Greece is in mourning, and in memory of those who have been lost, we declare a period of mourning for three days," Tsipras said. "But we must not let mourning overwhelm us, because these hours are hours of battle, unity, courage and above all, solidarity."

12:45 pm

Turkey offered to send firefighters The plane landed Tuesday in northern Greece, after two wildfires fell on Athens.

Turkey's Foreign Minister said Tuesday that Turkish planes and helicopters are ready to help Greece. Mevlut Cavusoglu said that his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias had thanked him for his offer but that the badistance was not necessary at present.

Bekir Pakdemirli, Turkish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry in Ankara, said the planes were "45 minutes away ready to intervene immediately."

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also expressed his condolences and said his country was ready to help.

At least 50 people were killed and more than 100 were injured in the fires.

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10:35 am

The Spanish government claims to have sent two amphibious planes to help fight twin forest fires in the coastal areas of Greece that have killed nearly 50 people and more than 100 injured.

Greece They called for international aid across the European Union, as on both sides of Athens, burnt lines of cars, charred farms and forests were set on fire and hundreds people have run to the beaches to be evacuated by ships, yachts and fishing boats.

The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture says that each of the two Canadair type aircraft sent early Tuesday can accumulate 5.5 tons of water and that they are flown by members of the air force. air force of the country

. the decision to send the aircraft was only made after an badessment of Spain's own needs.

The country is also subject to destructive fires each year, when hot, dry summers can be greeted by strong winds that quickly spread the flames.

10:05 am

The Fire Department of Greece claims that 49 people were killed in forest fires that swept away popular seaside areas near the Greek capital.

Stavroula, spokesman for the Malliri Fire Department added that 156 adults and 16 children were hospitalized with injuries. Eleven of the adults are in serious condition.

Malliri said Tuesday that strong winds have fanned the flames, with fires spreading rapidly in populated areas, preventing people in their homes or cars from escaping. Greece has sought the help of a firefighter from the European Union, and Malliri said that a military transport plane was arriving with 60 firemen from Cyprus, while two jettison aircraft Water are expected from Spain.

8:45 am

Two wildfires blew in resorts near the Greek capital, killing at least 24 people on Tuesday morning and injuring more than 100, including 11 in one serious condition, in the country's most deadly fire season for more than a decade.

There were fears that the death toll would increase significantly. Rescue teams working in the burnt areas of the place where the fire went northeast of Athens told the local media that in the first light they had found the bodies of more than 20 people near the beach.

Authorities could not immediately confirm the increase in the number of deaths since the bodies had not yet reached the hospitals.

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