Latest News: US welcomes Saudi decision on son of writer killed


ISTANBUL – Latest news on the badbadination of the Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi (all local times):


A State Department spokesman said that the United States welcomed the decision of Saudi Arabia to authorize the son of the murdered writer Jamal Khashoggi to leave the country and to go to the United States.

Spokesman Robert Palladino told reporters that State Secretary Mike Pompeo had discussed the son, Salah Khashoggi, during his recent visit to the kingdom.

Palladino said Thursday that Pompeo "has made it clear to Saudi leaders that he wants Salah Khashoggi back in the United States, and we are delighted that he is now in a position to do so".

Human Rights Watch said earlier Thursday that Salah Khashoggi and his family were traveling to the United States after their travel ban was lifted. His destination was not publicly known, but his late father lived in the Washington area.

Palladino said Pompeo had attended a briefing by CIA director Gina Haspel on the death of the former Washington Post reporter after returning from Turkey.



An independent United Nations investigator said that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi had been the victim of an "extrajudicial execution" by the Saudi state.

Agnes Callamard, the special investigator on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, told reporters at the US headquarters in New York Thursday that the perpetrators of the murder "are high enough to represent the state."

Saudi Arabia has arrested 18 people. On Thursday, Saudi prosecutors said the Turkish evidence showed that Khashoggi's murder was premeditated.

Callamard said she did not need anyone involved in the crime to conclude "extrajudicial execution" – although she still does not know how high the order to kill Khashoggi was.

She reiterated her previous call for an independent investigation to "validate" the findings of the investigations conducted by Turkey and Saudi Arabia.



German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that her country is ready to take "appropriate measures in collaboration with international partners" after the murder of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi.

The office of Merkel did not specify this warning in a statement issued Thursday following a call between the German leader and King Salman of Saudi Arabia. In this appeal, Merkel condemned the killing of Khashoggi at the Kingdom's consulate in Istanbul "in the most acute way possible".

She called on Saudi Arabia to "ensure a prompt, transparent and credible investigation" and hold those responsible to account.

Merkel also spoke of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen during the appeal and urged Saudi Arabia to guarantee access to humanitarian aid. Yemen was ravaged by a three-and-a-half year war between the Saudi-led alliance and the Shite rebels, known as the Houthis.


7:35 p.m.

According to Human Rights Watch, Jamal Khashoggi's son has left Saudi Arabia and is traveling to the United States.

Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa Division, said that Salah Khashoggi and his family left the Saudi capital Riyadh on Thursday after the ban on travel was lifted.

Turkish officials have announced that his father, Jamal, a Washington Post columnist criticizing the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, was killed on October 2 when he was admitted to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul by agents. Saudis.

The kingdom has faced increasing international pressure to be transparent about Khashoggi's death. After initially claiming that the journalist had left the consulate, Saudi prosecutors said Thursday that Turkish evidence showed that the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was premeditated.



The German Economy Minister said there were "many question marks" about the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, who is on a two-day visit to Turkey to boost trade relations, congratulated Turkish officials on Thursday for their efforts to shed light on the murders. He added that the badbadination of Khashoggi, a critic of the Saudi royal family, had aroused widespread condemnation.

Saudi prosecutors said Thursday that Turkish evidence shows that the killing of Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, was premeditated. This was another apparent change in Saudi Arabia's changing narrative about what happened to the writer.



EU lawmakers are calling for an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia as well as a ban on equipment that can be used as part of a government crackdown.

MEPs voted Thursday by 325 votes in favor, 1 against and 19 abstentions, in a resolution calling on member states to "impose an arms embargo on a European scale in Saudi Arabia" following the murder of the writer Jamal Khashoggi in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul.

The non-binding resolution also calls for an end to exports of "surveillance systems and other dual-use products that can be used in Saudi Arabia for law enforcement purposes".

Ska Keller, a leading Green legislator, said: "EU countries must not continue to turn a blind eye to the serious human rights violations committed by the Saudi government."

Many European Union countries are discussing the cessation of arms exports, but nothing has clearly pushed for an embargo.



Saudi Arabia said the powerful crown prince of the country had attended the first meeting of a committee to restructure the kingdom's intelligence services after the murder of writer Jamal Khashoggi.

The state-run Saudi news agency made the announcement on Thursday.

This comes after the kingdom announced this weekend that 18 Saudis had been arrested during the badbadination of the writer, while four top intelligence officials and an adviser to the Crown Prince had been fired.

The kingdom is trying to distance Prince Mohammed bin Salman from the October 2 killing of Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. According to Turkish reports, a member of his entourage is involved in the crime.

On Wednesday, the prince described the murder as "heinous" and "painful for all the Saudis" in his first thorough public comment on the subject.


1:45 p.m.

According to the Saudi state-run news agency, Saudi prosecutors call Jamal Khashoggi's badbadination a premeditated crime.

Saudi Attorney General Saud al-Mojeb said on Thursday that the investigators had come to this conclusion after evidence had been presented by Turkish officials as part of the two-nation investigation into the killing.

Khashoggi was killed on October 2 at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. Saudi Arabia had insisted for weeks that Khashoggi be released from the consulate before changing accounts to indicate that he had died as a result of a fight.

A member of the entourage of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman while traveling abroad was seen at the consulate before the murder of the Washington Post columnist.



Turkey is interested in a well in the Saudi Arabian consulate's garden as part of its investigation into the killing by Saudi officials of writer Jamal Khashoggi, whose body is still missing.

Contradictory reports were released on Thursday as to whether the investigators had searched the well in a geopolitically-related case because of Saudi-Turkish rivalry in the Middle East region, as well as the US alliance with the United States. two countries.

Yeni Safak, a pro-government Turkish newspaper, says investigators have emptied the well and are waiting for the results of a water badysis to determine if body parts have been dumped there.

But Sabah, another pro-government newspaper, said Saudi Arabia had not yet given permission to the Turkish authorities to carry out a search.

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