The leader of Britain's largest trade union urged Labor MPs to "put it down" and get behind Jeremy Corbyn.
UN Secretary-General Len McCluskey urged a small but noisy group of disgruntled workers to stop attacking the Labor leader.
He stated at the union's political conference in Brighton: "The only people served by the disloyal snipers, the wild burrs of our own party and leader, are the conservatives."
"If you are not If you do not agree with a particular policy, say so … Otherwise, try to say nothing
"This miserable Tory government is in trouble and we must be prepared to get rid of it when the opportunity arises. present. "
Mr. McCluskey said that he also had a message for Mr. Corbyn and d & Others in the leadership of the party
He said: "We all know that the next election is far from A problem is a weakness in some industrial areas outside the big cities, especially among the voters most older working clbad.
"There is a more general sense of disconnection between London and the often dilapidated and ignored industrial zones." 19659002] "Additional seats in London are not going to get Jeremy Corbyn into Downing Street, so test every policy against how he will play at Walsall and Wakefield, Mansfield and Middlesbrough, Glasgow and Gateshead. decent secure jobs, skilled work, at the heart of everything. If you are talking about a policy that goes against this, it is almost certainly a mistake. "
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