Lidl plans to build more than 3,000 homes to cement the authorization to build stores


Lidl plans to develop 3,000 homes as a sweetener at local councils while she is pursuing permission to build to build more stores.

Local authorities are looking for more and more creative ways to address the housing shortage and business developers, Lidl consenting, who began to engage in the development of housing in 2008, already supported the creation of 811 homes – of which 335 are already built and 476 are currently under construction. 19659003] He has now revealed plans to be part of London home-building projects that could lead to the construction of more than 3,000 new homes in just three years.

The German discount retailer claims to support more and more development -Use of offices, hotels and student housing.

In London, the Deer Park Elementary School in Richmond will be located above one of the supermarket chains. Lidl's general manager, Christian Hartnagel, said the company was "proud" to help "pave the way for mixed-use developments".

"To date, our stores have supported the creation of more than 800 homes, either built or soon to be built, and we are fully open to exploring the possibilities of facilitating future developments."

"In London alone, for example, Lidl stores could be part of projects that could allow the construction of more than 3,000 new homes over the next three years."

"This continues to be very important for we are able to support a large number of homes. "

Retail rival Tesco has been involved in housing since 2006, after building homes for key workers in Streatham, South London

The company also released some of its considerable land holdings to launch a home building program of 4,000 properties in 2014.

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