Life may have existed on the moon four billion years ago


"If we can drill and find evidence of life in the beginning, it could show us what life was like on the primitive Earth." 19659002 "I'm sure the moon is dead now, but it would have been very active and we have evidence of Apollo lava flows dating back billions of years."

"It sounds weird to think, but there may even have been liquid water on the moon. "

T ] The first evidence of life on Earth comes from fossilized cyanobacteria that have between 3.5 and 4 , 2 billion years

Meanwhile, solar system bodies were frequently bombarded by giant meteorite impacts, and it is possible that meteorites containing simple organisms such as cyanobacteria were projected onto the surface of the Earth. Earth and landed on the moon, sowing them with early microbes.

However, the window of opportunity for life had closed about 3 billion years ago. Moon, she no longer releases the gases necessary to maintain its atmosphere. He also lost his protective magnetic shield, which allowed the solar winds to strip the atoms.

The research was published in the journal Astrobiology.

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