Look: The chick of the largest species of pigeon in the world has just hatched


A tiny blue chick of the world's largest pigeon breed just hatched at Chester Zoo

Victoria's crowned pigeon baby is already walking beside her blue and purple mother in her paddock.

Posting pictures of the little chick on Facebook, the Chester Zoo said: "Brilliant blue, rock the best thawhawk and already strutting his awesome stuff!"

The largest pigeon traps at Chester Zoo

] ? LOOK AT! There is a new girl in town! Bright blue, rocking the best shorn and already strutting his funky stuff! And, like the biggest pigeon in the world, it does not look like any pigeon you've ever seen before! Welcome to the world. 1965

Posted by Chester Zoo on Friday 20th July 2018

The adorable video now has over 30,000 views.

Mark Vercoe, Assistant Curator of Birds, said: "With the Nicobar pigeon and the spotted pigeon, the Victoria crowned pigeon is a descendant of the dodo – a bird that has been famous for being lost to the planet Because of human actions.

"I hope this chick can help us emphasize how important it is for us to act for wildlife now; we can not let these beautiful birds go the same way as their missing cousins. "

(Chester Zoo)

Originally from Indonesia and New Guinea, the Chick already has a wreath of lace feathers on its head

The species, which is listed as vulnerable to extinction, is believed to bear the name of Queen Victoria, who had a penchant for wearing elaborate feathered headgear.

The baby pigeon will be similar to the size of a turkey at maturity.

– Press Association

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