lunar eclipse July 2018: "Moon of blood" visible around most of the world with Mars at the closest approach to Earth for years


Last updated on 27/07/2014 13:20 EDT

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Skywatchers from around the world are treated Friday for a complete lunar eclipse. The eclipse will be the longest of this century. Watch the live stream of the Johannesburg CBSN and worldwide eclipse coverage in the player above.

The so-called "blood moon", when it becomes dark red, will be visible at different times in Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. When the sun, the Earth and the moon align perfectly, the shadow of the Earth will be projected onto the moon.

"When an observer goes out to look, what he will see, is that the moon looks darker and darker," Derrick Pitts, chief astronomer at the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia , told CBSN

that the total eclipse will last 1 hour and 43 minutes. The entire event lasts more than four hours.

Pitts said that the phrase "moon of blood" was only recently attached to the phenomenon. "19659003" "It was really more of a kind of public relations or public affairs than it was anything else because you know that the color of the moon in eclipses can vary from a tanned or coppery color, "says Pitts. "It can even happen so that there is almost no color at all, but when we have lunar eclipses really deep, as we have had some in the last two years, it's really a great way to promote that's if you tie the nickname on it's a blood red moon and it really engages people to go out and see it. "[19659007] Moon, Mars will not appear to be the same size

In a special treat, Mars is in opposition Friday. This means that the planet and the sun will be exactly on opposite sides of the Earth and will shine as best they can.

Mars is also closest to Earth since 2003, giving it a larger, brighter appearance. The moon will also be at the farthest end of its Earth orbit, making its movement across the sky slower from our point of view, thus spending more time in the dark, according to Loneliness. AFP. NASA, meanwhile, has denounced the hoaxes of social media claiming that Mars will appear as big as the Moon during the eclipse.

Lunar eclipse coverage period

CBSN will cover the 2018 lunar eclipse from 1: 2 pm ET today. Coverage includes reporters and astrologers and multiple angles from the eclipse of Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

The partial eclipse will begin shortly after 14:00. AND. CBSN will have multiple feeds starting at 2:15 pm AND, running the eclipse.

© 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, disseminated, rewritten or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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