May warns the legacy of Brexit can not be a hard border


British Prime Minister Theresa May said the Brexit legacy could not be a hard border on the island of Ireland that deconstructed the Good Friday accord.

Ms. May also warned the Tory rebels. they could be left with "no Brexit at all" unless they fall into the line.

Ms. May said that the threat of Communist uprisings by pro- and anti-EU MPs could jeopardize any chance of an agreement with Brussels

for The Mail on Sunday, she called the MPs to adopt a "practical and pragmatic" approach rather than facing a "prejudicial and disorderly" Brexit.

However, Brexit deputies, including the archosceptic Jacob Rees-Mogg, have Sunday papers clearly opposing his approach.

Ms. May faces charges that the British government's Brexit White Paper was drafted "surreptitiously" to replace a version produced by the David Davis Brexit Department

. In the Sunday Express, Mr. Rees-Mogg suggested that there had been an attempt by "gull brexiteers", warning that he had "broken trust".

The overwhelming verdict of the head of the European group on leave research She acknowledged that some deputies were worried about her project of a "joint settlement" with the l? EU for the goods and customs exchanged in what it calls a new "UK-EU Free Trade Area".

However, she insisted that she had not yet found a "viable alternative" to the proposals – approved by her cabinet at Checkers – that would ensure that the trade also remained "frictionless" as possible. while avoiding the return of a hard border in Northern Ireland.

"We have to keep our eyes on the price, if we do not do that, we risk not getting any Brexit at all," she said.

"I know some people are not sure. Concerned about the "common regulation" for goods and the customs arrangements we have proposed to support the new UK-EU Free Trade Area, she added: "But the Brexit legacy can not be a difficult frontier between Northern Ireland and Ireland, which deconstructs the historic agreement of Belfast. "

" It can not be the breakup of our United Kingdom and border with the sea of ​​& dquo; 39; Ireland.

"And it can not be the destruction of integrated supply chains and the just-in-time processes on which jobs and livelihoods depend."

million. Rees-Mogg had apparently abandoned his "red lines" which had earned him party support in March

Since she set out the five criteria for an agreement on Brexit in her Mansion House speech, Ms. May was "" Rees-Mogg said:

He claimed that a white paper written by the former secretary of Brexit, the Department of Mr. Davis,

"It was a waste of time and money because Downing Street was surreptitiously writing his own paper," Mr. Rees-Mogg s

"It's, at best, an unscrupulous way of behaving and a more severe commentator would call it untrustworthy," he wrote

"The Checkers U- turn, the failure of the Mansion House test and the abandonment "It would have been simpler to admit that the real Brexit was not intended all along rather than d & # 39; To try to swallow Brexiteers. "" Maybe we should have realized earlier that the "Brexit" means "Brexit".

Former Brexit Minister Steve Baker, who resigned with Boris Johnson and Mr. Davis from the Checkers Plan, stated that Ms. May's proposal was the product of an "elite of the day". 39; establishment "which sought to thwart the EU.

"It seems to me that there was a year of cloak and dagger to put us in the Ladies' position," he told the Sunday Telegraph.

"An elite establishment that has never accepted the fundamental principle right of the public to democratically choose their" We return to what the officials wanted a year ago, the advice that ". they gave then, to know something like membership in the EEA (European Economic Area) and something like the customs union. 19659002] "In terms of who, at the end of account, pen the documents that will be submitted to the Cabinet for collective decision, it was the Europe Unit of the Cabinet Office, and aimed at a different purpose than the one we were working on. "

Mr. Davis himself referred to claims that there was no alternative to Checkers' plan as" surprisingly dishonest. "

wrote in The Sunday Times, he said that the Cabinet had accepted" concessions to the EU "

He added:" This does not amount to taking back control … some say that those who are in opposition to the argument have not found an alternative. This is a surprisingly dishonest claim. "

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