Mayor of London says airship of protest "Trump baby" may fly during US President's visit to UK


  Parliament Square seems to be the ideal place to launch Trump Baby in the sky (Trump baby / UK)
Parliament Square seems to be Trump Baby's launching place in the sky (Trump baby / UK)
  • The Mayor of London says that a "Trump baby" protest balloon can fly during the visit of the US President

    London Mayor Sadiq Khan will allow protesters to do pressure on parliament by presenting Donald Trump as an orange and snarling baby on the US president's next visit, Khan's office said Thursday. [19659004]

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Mayor of London Sadiq Khan will allow the protesters to put pressure on parliament by presenting Donald Trump as an orange and snarling baby during the US president's next visit, Khan's office said on Thursday.

Trump, who arrives in a week, will meet with Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Theresa May, who was the first foreign leader to visit him after his inauguration last year.

Britain considers its close ties with the United States, which she calls the special relationship, as a pillar of her foreign policy as she prepares to leave the European Union .

But some Britons see Trump as crude, volatile and opposed to their values ​​on a series of questions. Trump's comments on militant attacks in Britain provoked anger and he often traded beards on social media with the mayor of London.

"The mayor supports the right to demonstrate peacefully and understands that it can take different forms," ​​said a spokesman for Khan.

"His city operations team met with the organizers and gave them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a starting point for the airship."

The spokesman added, however, that the protesters would also need permission from the police and air traffic services to fly the six-meter balloon.

Protesters, who describe themselves as a group of anti-fascist art activists, initially said that the mayor's office did not recognize "Trump Baby" as a legitimate protest.

"But following a huge wave of public support for our plan, it seems that City Hall has rediscovered its sense of humor," said militant Leo Murray in a statement.

"Trump Baby will fly!"


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