Meghan Markle's friend went to pose with the Duchess on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to face 20 years in prison in Saudi Arabia, here's why


Loujain Al-Hathloul went from posing with Meghan Markle in Vanity Fair here in Canada and attending world summits with the current Duchess, Emma Watson, Justin Trudeau, and others, to deal with 20 years or even to the death penalty in a prison in Saudi Arabia.

She was arrested for treason earlier this year after allegedly conspiring with enemies of the Saudi government.

Before the lifting of the driving ban on women, 7 activists were arrested, inc #OYW Ambbadador @LoujainHathloul (? w / @ fbhutto Mary Robinson & @KensingtonRoyal by Meghan Markle).

? We call for his immediate release. RT #FreeLoujain @amnesty ?http: //

– A Young World (@OneYoungWorld) May 21 , 2018

Al-Hathloul was one of five women and two men arrested as part of a crackdown on people who denounced the government. The arrests took place in May, just when women finally got the right to drive in Saudi Arabia.

Activists arrested were campaigning to use the lifting of the driving ban to lead to more rights for women like ending the male guardianship system that forces women to have a male guardian ( usually a father, husband or brother) and they are not allowed to make decisions, travel or do business without their guardian's permission.

@loujainhathloul incorporated via

But now the seven militants are being held by the Saudi government, claiming that all, including al-Hathloul, confessed to having communicated with and supported enemies of the Saudi Arabia.

The human rights group Amnesty International has stated that it does not know the state of the detainees or the exact place where they are held, but they expect the militants to be brought before Saudi criminal courts for treason.

In Saudi Arabia, treason is one of the most serious offenses and the punishment goes up to 20 years in prison or even the death penalty.

@loujainhathloul included via

Al-Hathloul was confronted by the police in March of this year also for being very noisy for women's rights on Twitter. She was at university in Abu Dhabi at the time, but she was repatriated to Saudi Arabia and forbidden to leave the country or use social media.

Source: Mirror

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