Members of the White supremacist group charged with inciting violence during protests


LOS ANGELES – Four alleged members Members of a white supremacist group have been indicted by a federal grand jury for inciting violence at political rallies in California, officials said. The accused planned and committed badaults at rallies in Huntington Beach, Berkeley and San Bernardino, the Los Angeles US public prosecutor's office announced in a statement.

The four men participated in melee combat training and then went to rallies to attack protesters and others, prosecutors said. According to the prosecutors, they then broadcast photographs and videos of the violence to recruit other members for future events.

The information about the lawyers was not immediately found for Aaron Eason, Robert Rundo, Robert Boman and Tyler Laube. All were arrested last week and charged with a conspiracy charge. Rundo, Boman and Eason were also charged with rioting.

The hearings have been scheduled for next week. According to prosecutors, the charges of conspiracy and riots contained in the indictment are punishable by the five-year maximum penalties in a federal prison.

Prosecutors said the four people were part of the militant Rise Above movement, a group described in the indictment as "a militant group ready to fight a new nationalist movement of supremacy and reign. White identity ".

The indictments come a few weeks after four other California members of the group were indicted for allegedly instigating the deadly riot last year in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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