MEPs reject controversial law on copyright



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Deputies were the object of

fierce lobbying by those who favored and those who opposed the legislation

MPs voted to reject a controversial copyright law in its current form, deciding to return to the issue in September.

The law would have put greater responsibility on individual websites to verify copyright infringement. The inventor of the web Sir Tim Berners-Lee and others had expressed concerns about the proposed rules, which they claimed threatened the freedom of the Internet

Opponents welcomed the decision as a victory.

Julia Reda, MEP Pirate had campaigned against the tweeted law : "Great success: Your protests worked!" The European Parliament returned the law on copyright to the board in drawing."

BPI Music, who represents the British labels, supported the bill and tweeted : "We respect the decision … we will work with MEPs over the coming weeks to explain how the proposed directive will benefit not only European creativity, but also internet users and technology.

What did they vote for?

The Copyright Directive aims to harmonize content rules with the digital age.

The two most controversial parts are Article 11 and Article 13.

The first is aimed at providing fair remuneration to publishers and preventing content-sharing platforms and aggregators from news to share links without paying them. But it was called the "Liaison Fee" by the opponents and raised questions about who will pay and how much.

Clause 13 requires websites to further enforce copyright laws and could mean that text, images, sounds or post code will need to be used. a way to evaluate and filter the content.

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Sir Paul McCartney is Among the Artists Favor of the Legislation

Proponents of rule changes argue that they would improve copyright rules, protecting intellectual property from news and video content.

Sir Paul McCartney wrote to MPs to encourage them to vote for the changes. , some content platforms downloading users refuse to equitably pay artists and all music creators for their work, while they exploit it for their own benefit, "reads the letter [19659022]. and help ensure a sustainable future for the music ecosystem and its creators, fans and digital music services.

German center-right MP Axel Voss has been instructed to pbad legislation and recently published a video called "false news" about the legislation.

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Jimmy Wales called the legislation "disastrous"

Critics claim that Article 13 could have a huge impact on the way people use the Internet, paying memes and remixes.

In particular, it is feared that websites will scan all the content The use of artificial intelligence in the filters could mean that they will not be able to distinguish between the content that violates the copyright and fair use, like satire and memes, they say.

A petition against change – Save Your Internet – earned 750,000 signatures

And a letter signed by 70 influential technology leaders, including Vint Cerf and Tim Berners-Lee, described it as an "imminent threat to 39, future "of the Internet. 19659007] Italy Wikipedia closed a day earlier this week to protest plans, which co-founder Jimmy Wales called "disastrous".

The editors wrote that "Wikipedia itself was at risk

At the time, they said," If the proposal is approved, it might be impossible to share a newspaper article on social networks or to find it in a search engine. "

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