Met Eireann predicts Dublin weather to warm up after Friday's rainy start


Friday's start was wet and drizzly in Dublin, but Met Eireann's experts told us that everything would be fine during the morning.

Meteorologists predict that the rain will dissipate and we should see some thunderstorms in the afternoon.

It will heat up too – with maximum temperatures expected to reach 20 ° C

Eireann Met says the Dublin weather forecast for today: "Cloudy and foggy at first, with rain and drizzle, persistent in places, but becoming lighter at noon

Dewatering during this afternoon, with some thunderstorms tonight Temperatures of 18 to 20 ° C. Light breezes to moderate northwesterly will veer to the northwest. "

Dublin Times Saturday

It will be mild and foggy overnight, says Eireann, dry, with occasional light episodes. low 11 to 13 C., in northwestern light or variable breezes.

Tomorrow looks like it will be lovely Saturday, with a mix of sunny periods and occasional cloudy periods.

The gurus of the weather adds: "The highest temperatures 20 or 21 C., just lightly to moderate the southwest breezes."

with Met Eireann predicting the number of grbad pollens to stay low

Here's what they say: "With the grbad pollen season now in decline, the pollen risk will be low in all regions."

"Weed pollen (nettle, wharf, big hen) will also be weak. For the moment, but will increase to high during very wet nights and after all rain and will mainly affect the western fringes. "

What are the National Perspectives for the Weekend?

Getting Out of the City for the Weekend or Next Week – Our forecasters predict tomorrow and the week ahead.

Met Eireann says: "Near and humid most of the time, but mixed.Some bright or sunny spells sometimes, but cloudy, foggy,

Saturday night:

Mild and foggy overnight Some drizzle will develop along the northwest coast, but most other areas are expected to be dry. The lowest temperatures are 11 to 14 C.


Near and humid in the breeze to moderate south-westerly breezes, rather cloudy and foggy in general, with scattered patches of drizzle and fog, but dry, shiny waves are also developing, with a little sunshine. In many parts of the north and west, the values ​​are between 18 and 20 ° C, but in the low and thirty years, especially in sunny areas. 15 C.

Monday: [19659021] Staying close and moist, but rather mixed. Some dry and shiny spells, but also foggy and foggy periods, with occasional rains and fog patches. Maximum temperatures of 18 to 20 ° C, in many areas of the west and north, but in their twenties, in the more southerly and easterly regions.


Cooler for Tuesday, with sunny or sunny periods, but sometimes also cloudy periods. Mostly dry, with light showers and very well dispersed. Summits from 16 to 20 C., just in the moderate breezes of the southwest.

Trend for the interim period:

Warms up and closes, with temperatures ranging from adolescence to twenties. Some foggy sun spells at times, but also occasional showers, with perhaps some strong in places

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