MH370: Resignation of the head of Malaysian civil aviation


  Azharuddin Abdul Rahman resigned (AP) "title =" Azharuddin Abdul Rahman resigned (AP) "width =" 620 "height =" 349 "rel =" nofollow "/>
</span><figcaption>  Azharuddin Abdul Rahman resigned (AP) </figcaption></figure>
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  • MH370: The head of civil aviation of Malaysia resigned

    The head of the Malaysian civil aviation resigned for take responsibility for the breaches during the disappearance of flight MH370. : // / AUTOCROP / h342 / ipanews_82291894-6d73-4c0b-bbce-3f0e9007135a_1

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The Malaysian head of civil aviation has resigned to take responsibility for the failures during the disappearance of flight MH370.

Azharuddin Abdul Rahman says that he resigns after a report of investigation has revealed deficiencies in the air control center when the flight disappeared four years ago.

The report raised the possibility that the jet was diverted. evidence of why the aircraft deviated from its trajectory and flew more than seven hours after breaking communications.

It is with regret and after much thought that I decided to resign from the presidency of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia.
Azharuddin Abdul Rahman

  • "It is with regret and after much thought and contemplation that I decided to resign as President of the Aviation Authority. of Malaysia " news / mh370-malaysias-civil-aviation-chief-resignation-37170751.html

    " This is with regret and after a lot of reflection and reflection that I decided to resign from the presidency of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia "

    https: // mh370-malaysias-civil-aviation-chief-resigns-37170751.html

M. Rahman said the report does not blame the civil aviation department for the loss of the plane, but he found the air traffic control center did not follow the operational procedures [19659004] "So it is with regret and after much thought that I decided to resign from the presidency of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia," he said in his declaration. adding that he served his resignation and will retire in

The jet carrying 239 people from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared on March 8, 2014 and is presumed to have crashed in the extreme south of the Indian Ocean.

The investigation report, prepared by an international team of 19 members, According to the report, the investigation revealed deficiencies on the part of air traffic control, including an inability to quickly trigger an intervention emergency and to continually monitor the radar.

The new Malaysian Minister of Transport, Anthony Loke, said the government had set up a committee to investigate and take action against any misconduct based on the report's findings.

According to the report, the information was insufficient to determine whether the aircraft had broken in the air or during an impact with the ocean.

debris that stranded on African beaches and the islands of the Indian Ocean indicated a distant distant ocean where the plane is likely to be crushed [19659023] ipanews_82291894-6d73-4c0b-bbce-3f0e9007135a_embedded1012968 ” title=”Searches failed to pinpoint a location of the crash (AP Photo/Rob Griffith, File)” width=”620″ height=”” rel=”nofollow”/>

location of the accident (AP Photo / Rob Griffith, file)

But a government search by Australia, Malaysia and China n & # 39; failed to locate a location.

And a second, private search by the American company Ocean Infinity The end of May has also not found any trace of a possible accident.

The Malaysian government has announced that research will continue if credible evidence of the location of the aircraft appears

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