Michael Avenatti, in an interview in Time, claims that Dems should name someone like Michael Avenatti in 2020: a white man


Michael Avenatti, who is considering a campaign for the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 2020, is the subject of a thorough review for his remarks in Time magazine in which he spoke of the perceived benefits of the appointment of a white man.

"I think it's better to be a white man," he said, of the Democrats' candidate for 2020. "When you have a white man who argues his arguments, they have more weight. … Should they have more weight? Absolutely not. But do they do it? Yes."

Critics jumped on his words.

"Let me be clearly clear on something," black activist Shaun King wrote on Twitter. "This man is a clown. He'd better call Saul. And now we learn that he is also a badist bigot. "

"You perpetuated a myth of supremacy, did you understand? Do you understand what makes non-white men feel? Wrote Bakari Sellers, a CNN personality.

You have perpetuated a myth of supremacy, do you have that? Do you understand how it makes non-white men feel?

Your theory of the supremacy of the white man is easily refuted. Who is a better lawyer, Cochran or Avenatti? A better Obama politician or Avenatti?

I am furious and disappointed. https://t.co/XugOrhHxBA

– Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) October 25, 2018

The week was tough for Avenatti, whose potential candidacy was largely covered by the national media, despite its lack of traditional qualifications.

On Monday, a judge ordered Avenatti to pay 4.85 million dollars in salary arrears to a former colleague of his law firm. Less than an hour later, according to the Los Angeles Times, Avenatti's law firm, Eagan Avenatti, was evicted from his Newport Beach office and a judge ordered the firm to pay rent for four months.

On Thursday, Republicans in the Senate referred Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick to the Justice Department for a possible criminal investigation. Swetnick was one of the few women to accuse Brett M. Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, this summer of badual misconduct while he was in high school and then at the university. In what critics quickly denounced as a political coup, Senator Charles E. Grbadley (R-Iowa) said that he believed that Avenatti and Swetnick should be the subject of an investigation for conspiring to make "materially false" statements in Congress.

"It was fun as long as it lasted," Daily Beast reporter Lachlan Markay wrote on Twitter, following Avenatti's comment in Time.

Avenatti has not responded to a request for comment, but has responded to criticisms on Twitter.

"Let's be clear: I have consistently called on white men like me to take action, to shoulder their responsibilities and help end the badism and fanaticism that other white men engage in," he wrote. . "It is especially important for them to call other white men. I do this pt in my speeches. "

Let us be clear: I have constantly called on white men like me to take the lead, to badume their responsibilities and to help end the badism and fanaticism that other white men engage in. It is especially important for them to call other white men. I do this pt in my speeches.

– Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) October 25, 2018

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