Michael Cohen's New Claim on the Trump Reunion


Finally, an allegation that Trump was aware of the meeting could strengthen the allegations of obstruction of justice against the president. Particular emphasis will be placed on Trump Jr. 's initial statement about the meeting, which turned out to be false, and that the President dictated to Air Force One when returning from Europe. Mueller has long been said to be interested in the circumstances of this statement, which denied that the meeting had dealt with campaign issues at all

Speaking Thursday night, Giuliani blasted Cohen's story.

"He's been lying all week, he's been lying for years," Giuliani told CNN. "I do not see how he has credibility."

It is true that Cohen has been less than honest in the past. But if repeated lies are the norm by which the public should decide who to believe, the president is in trouble. On the Trump Tower meeting and on issues involving Cohen, it's the Trump side that has been repeatedly misleading.

In the early days of history, Trump Jr. offered a vertiginous series of reversals on what happened. When the Trump Tower meeting was publicly revealed by The New York Times in 2017, Trump Jr. released the statement that his father helped dictate. "We mainly discussed a program on the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and that has since been completed by the Russian government, but this It was not a campaign issue at the time. " statement said. He also said that he did not know the name of the person with whom he met.

This quickly turned out to be false, as three counselors told Times that Trump Jr. knew that his contact was supposed to have damaging information. So Trump Jr. offered a new account, saying that he had hoped to receive damaging information, but that Veselnitskaya had been unable to deliver. Finally, following Times' report Trump Jr acknowledged that he had been told that the meeting was part of a Kremlin effort to help his father's campaign. Trump Jr. also published his e-mails about the meeting

The story of Trump's alleged affair with McDougal, an old model Playboy was unrolled at a higher speed slow, but with the same basic model: the president and his badistants have been repeatedly demystified. The story of the case erupted in the final days of the presidential campaign, and indirectly: The Wall Street Journal reported that the 19459004 National Enquirer had purchased the rights to McDougal's story for $ 150,000, then sitting on it, in a tabloid maneuver called "catch and kill," which is designed to stifle a story.

"We know nothing about all this," said Hope Hicks campaign spokeswoman at the time, adding that the story was "totally false". More recently, after the existence of a tape made by Cohen was revealed, Giuliani insisted that it would be "exculpatory" for his client.

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