Mini-Tsunami Swamp of Freak Mallorca, Menorca's Tourist Hotspots in the Mediterranean


A vague freak flooded tourist hot spots on the islands of Mallorca and Menorca in the Mediterranean.

Water was flowing through the streets after the wave reached Ciutadella on the west coast of Menorca and Alcudia in northern Mallorca

The wave of the meter also ripped the boats off their moorings and was driven by the current, while some of those who flew their ships struggled to keep them under control.

<img clbad = "article__image" src = " 2Fmedia% 2F2018% 2F07% 2F18% 2F14% 2F11% 2FMALLORCA4.jpg "alt =" A mini-tsunami flooded some European tourist hotspots, submerged some European tourist hotspots   The waves swept Majorca and Menorca
waves swept Majorca and Menorca
  Images showed a man washed under a catamaran.
a catamaran
  The wave was caused by weather conditions
The wave was caused by weather conditions [19659011] Images have shown a man being towed behind a catamaran, dragged under the largest boat 013] The "mini-tsunami" is known as a "meteosunami" and is caused by a rapidly changing barometric pressure triggered by weather events such as tempe

On the other hand, true tsunamis are caused by seismic activities. Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2018

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