Mother leaves her daughter in her room playing with skipping ropes, finds her dead a few minutes later



A devastated mother found her six-year-old daughter accidentally hanged in her bedroom after strapping two ropes together while playing, an inquiry was heard

Daisy Dymyd "Happy" and "Playful" was found by her mother in her room after playing with her "favorite toy"

"Happy" and "player" Daisy Dymyd was playing with both jump ropes, which the investigation meant to be her "favorite toy ", before the tragic accident.

Her mother Charlotte had been doing housework for about 30 minutes when she suddenly realized that it was "it was calm on the floor".

She went to see Daisy and made the appalling discovery at their home in Tuxford, Nottinghamshire

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Daisy was released by her mother began to make chest compressions to try to revive her

Ms. Dymyd then called 999 to ask for help and the telephone operator gave her instructions while she continued CPR. Ruth Kamande sentenced to death for stabbing her boyfriend 22 times

Daisy was flown to the Sheffield Children's Hospital but was declared dead shortly after the hearing before City Council from Nottingham today.

Dr. Elizabeth Didbad, badistant coroner of Nottinghamshire, concluded that it was an accidental death, reports Lincolnshire Live.

She told Daisy's father, Luke: "I offer you my sincere condolences to you and to those who knew Daisy, I am so sorry for your loss.

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"My findings are that there is absolutely no suspicion of third party involvement. I categorically refuse that.

"There was no concern that she was anything other than a cheerful, playful girl who enjoyed playing with toys."

] "She loved playing horses and loved playing with animals. "

And she said that the girl had not been left alone for" a significant period of time. "

Detective Chief Inspector Peter Quinn, who was called to Investigate the incident, was collected in Daisy's house in Lincoln Road, Tuxford, on February 18 of this year

He said that Daisy had gone out with his mother and that they had called at McDonald's on the way home.

She then went up to play after Charlotte pulled out some Daisy's

Her mother started doing housework and after about 30 minutes, she went to see Daisy when she thought "it was calm on the floor." She found the child hanged.

Dr. Robert Bone, expert in it was called in knots.

He decided that Daisy would have ha J I was able to tie the ropes together as they were found, in them describing it as "simple knots."

But "what game she was playing maybe, he struggled to understand," Quinn said.

Other checks showed that she was tall enough to put the ropes on the curtain rod.

Daisy's father, Luke, a roofer, told the audience that she liked "putting bows on her teddy bears".

The investigation learned that "skipping ropes were his favorite toy".

A pathologist performed an autopsy at Queen's Medical Center in Nottingham and discovered that Daisy died as a result of a hanging and that she would have lost consciousness in a few seconds, heard the coroner.

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