Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest 2018 Results: Joey Chestnut wins with a record of 74 hot dogs


The real American hero Joey "Jaws" Chestnut is once again the champion of the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest. As if there was a doubt

The 34-year-old won his third consecutive title – his eleventh in the last 12 years – Wednesday afternoon at Coney Island. Chestnut celebrated July 4th by hitting a record of 74 hot dogs on his face and winning the $ 10,000 prize.

Chestnut set competitive records in each of the last three years. In 2016, he became the first competitor to reach 70 hot dogs, then he won 72 last year, and now he has surpbaded again with an impressive 74 francs and more. rolls.

The total chestnut was initially 64, until it was found that a counter had missed a complete plate – bringing its total to 10.

The meter ran out a plate. They now say that 74 is official for Chestnut, which is the absolute record.

– Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) July 4, 2018

Carmen Cincotti finished one second behind Chestnut, who placed 45 hot dogs and rolls. [19659005Ducôtédesfemmesl'AméricaineMikiSudoaremportésoncinquièmetitreconsécutifenmangeant37hot-dogsen10minutesC'estunpasenarrièredelaSudo41dévorél'annéedernièremaisencorebadezpourêtrecouronnédansledomainede20SudorejointChestnutetTakeruKobayashicommeleseulautreconcurrentavecaumoinscinqtitresdansl'event

Nathan & # 39; s Hot Dog Eating Contest has become a staple of July 4th in America – an unparalleled tradition – and Chestnut has been a dominant force in the competition for more than a decade. His only defeat in the event over the last twelve years came to Matt Stonie's hands (and mouth) in 2015.

The competition has also become popular for betting, with Chestnut entering the # This year's event as favorite -550, according to Oddshark. The plus / minus on the hot dogs consumed by the winner was 72.5

Kobayashi, the biggest competition in Chestnut over the years, stopped participating in the Nathan event after 2009 following a contractual conflict with Major League Eating. Kobayashi took six consecutive titles from 2001 to 2006 before Chestnut began his impressive winning streak that lasted for eight consecutive years.

Here is the complete list of champions on the men's side since 2000:

  • 2018: Joey Chestnut
  • 2017: Joey Chestnut
  • 2016: Joey Chestnut
  • 2015: Matt Stony
  • 2014: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2013: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2012: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2011: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2010: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2009: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2008: Joey Chestnut tree
  • 2007: Joey Chestnut tree 2007
  • 2006: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2005: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2004: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2003: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2002: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2001: Takeru Kobayashi
  • 2000: Kazutoyo Arai [19659032] require.config ({"baseUrl": "https: / / / vol-865 / bundles / sportsmediajs / js-build", "config": {"version" : {"fly / components / accordion": "1.0", "fly / components / alert": "1.0", "fly / components / base": "1.0", "fly" r / components / carousel ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / dropdown ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / fixate ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / form- vali date ":" 1.0 "," steal / components / image-gallery ":" 1.0 "," steal / components / iframe-messenger ":" 1.0 "," steal / components / load-more ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / load-plus-article ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / load-more-scroll ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / loading ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / marketing-cursor ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / modal ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / modal-iframe ":" 1.0 "" fly / components / network-bar ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / poll ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / search drive ":" 1.0 "," fly " 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