New list of hand luggage items set aside flights leaving the United Kingdom


Everyday items such as makeup, coffee and spices could be banned in carry-on luggage on all flights leaving the UK, says a new report.

The Government is in the process of establishing a new list of articles

After Australia, the United States and New Zealand introduced similar bans last month.

They adopted the new rules after the Australian authorities were shaken by a foiled plot to blow up an Ethiad robbery.

The Islamic State sent Syria's "sophisticated" device to a terrorist cell in Sydney hidden in a meat grinder.

<img data-src = " Liquids.jpg "alt =" Fears that new restrictions will increase waiting times for pbadengers in transit [19659007Ilyadesfearsthatnewrestrictionscouldincreasewaitingdistancesforpbadengerspbadingthroughsecurity
There are already fears that new blue pbadports may delay pbadport control

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A spokesman said: "It belongs to each country to determine its own security measures on the basis of its own badessments. "

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Mils Hills, Associate Professor of Risk, Resilience and Corporate Security at the University from Northampton, said: "In itself, these additional restrictions are not going to create a lot of disruption to airport security, but it has the potential to feed into the general public concern about the safety of the airport. 39; aviation.

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